Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the fourth [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A discussion is currently taking place on the contract for the fourth Trident boat .
2 The council of research ministers for the European Communities ( EC ) today ( 29 April ) will discuss a proposed budget for the fourth Framework programme that matches what member countries have said they can afford .
3 Now that 's what I call music • All ‘ street entertainers ’ at the Edinburgh Festival who insist on miming , unicycling or juggling novelty items are forced to partake in that oldest of street entertainment : tarring and feathering • Soccer 's new premier league is renamed ‘ The Premium Interest Super Plug Golden Accountant League ’ • Someone explains why American riots are caused by ‘ poverty and injustice ’ and British riots are caused by ‘ joy-riders and anarchists ’ • A Telethon is held to raise money for the fourth Trident Sub , rather than the essential services of our country • New laws to curb the press include compulsory dope testing for pop columnists • The KLF reveal Eldorado was just their latest Situ-prank • The Groucho replaces the goatee in the fashionable facial hair stakes .
4 Laura , an accountant , has just won the Ulster ladies ' individual life-saving title for the fourth year running , while Karen is in the ambulance service and plays a key role as secretary of Ireland 's No.1 club in the RLSS — Southend .
5 Will the Prime Minister state clearly and concisely that , irrespective of the place or the audience or the day of the week , he has but one policy for the fourth Trident submarine — to build it , equip it and send it to sea armed for the nation 's defence ?
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he now expects to place the order for the fourth Trident submarine .
7 We plan to place the order for the fourth Trident submarine with VSEL at Barrow as soon as contract negotiations have been satisfactorily completed .
8 Will he also confirm that the Government will place the order for the fourth Trident submarine as soon as possible ?
9 When will he be in a position to make a firm announcement about the placing of an order for the fourth Trident submarine ?
10 When will the Government place an order for the fourth Trident boat and how much money have the Government already spent on it ?
11 Japan , defying international condemnation for the fourth year running , has announced it 's intention to kill 300 minke whales .
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