Example sentences of "[noun sg] was sent [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The law was sent for approval to Governor George Deukmejian , a former outspoken opponent of gun control .
2 The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held , in escrow , pending completion .
3 Later that day , 22 May , at 190 hrs , a further signal was sent from AFHQ to Eighth Army ( with a copy to 5 Corps ) [ KP 224 ] marked " Personal for Gen McCreery from Gen Morgan " .
4 In the USA a questionnaire was sent by mail to a proportion of respondents .
5 On 31 October , a message was sent from Kufra to the SAS base at Kabrit : ‘ Regret Parachutist Sillito died in hospital at Kufra today .
6 The Allegory of Love was sent in manuscript to the offices of the Oxford University Press in London .
7 An interim report was sent by police to the Falkirk fiscal , George Scott , in August last year .
8 On 28 June , before any request had been received from the ruler , Centaur and Bulwark were sailed for the Gulf ; the Amphibious Squadron left Bahrein for Kuwait with instructions to stay out of sight of land ; the Hunters and Shackletons were flown north from Aden to Bahrein ; a Canberra squadron was sent from Germany to Bahrein as well ; and 24th Brigade was alerted in Kenya and preparations were made to fly it to Kuwait in chartered civil aircraft .
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