Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] for [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
2 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
3 She shut the window and stood for a moment , her hands still on the bottom bar of the sash , arrested by a sudden thought .
4 It bothered him to let her go like this , but she 'd insisted ; for a while he could n't see her at all , until she reached the skyline and stopped for a moment .
5 Then Bunny , battling his way against the flow of the children , appeared in the hall and halted for a moment , the belt of his mackintosh undone , looking up at the windows of the rehearsal room .
6 She replaced the phone in Bishop Julian 's hall and stood for a moment indecisively .
7 They left the fate and wondered for a moment about returning to Ring 's .
8 He straightened up , came to the front of the shop and stood for a moment looking out impassively .
9 Drawing the wallet from his pocket , he separated the one of Breakspear from the rest and studied for a moment the view of the college it presented .
10 Fenella slithered down from the horse 's back and stood for a moment in the road , feeling the fingers of mist swirl into her face and touch her skin with damp clammy hands .
11 It was dark and the lamps were lit and they might not have seen Sesostris if he had not had to step aside to avoid a porter with a heavy bundle on his back and stand for a moment in the light from a shop front .
12 The Captain walked to the head of the gangplank and paused for a moment , stroking the worn rail with an almost loving touch .
13 He came to the Kingsbrook bridge and paused for a moment on the parapet , listening to the soft suck and chatter of the stream .
14 He opened the door and paused for a moment , listening for sounds of Mrs Blakey .
15 She closed the door and waited for a moment , then turned and went into the little bedroom .
16 She knocked loudly on the kitchen door and waited for a moment , aware of the total silence from within the room .
17 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
18 The farmer got out of his car to open the gate and stood for a moment at the bend in the road .
19 Jenna pulled up in the small courtyard and sat for a moment looking at it .
20 Geraldine sat on the bed and thought for a moment .
21 He got out but before going to knock at the door , crossed the road and stood for a moment contemplating Ivy Cottage .
22 Nick picked up the receiver and listened for a moment , before muttering ‘ Wrong number ’ and hanging up .
23 She put down the receiver and stood for a moment with her hand resting on it , her head bowed and her thoughts in turmoil .
24 Canon Wheeler allowed his eye to wander around the handsome room lit by the full , secure English sunlight and gazed for a moment through the window at the spire of Medewich 's beautiful Cathedral .
25 Robert , on her right , cleared his throat and thought for a moment before , looking from the silver basket of white flowers in the middle of the table , he said : " Your Christmas roses are wonderful .
26 He had looked at his wife 's unguarded face and forgotten for a moment that life was a deadly game in which you had to keep your cards close to your chest and your back to the wall , your eyes open and your nose clean in order not to end up in the gutter with your hat in your hand .
27 They saw the man come in from the street and stand for a moment adjusting to the darkness .
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