Example sentences of "[noun sg] of live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sound of the trains and the flash of their silvery sides through the trees was part of living at the School .
2 We have the advantage of living after the incarnation , and the coming of the Holy Spirit to teach us about God .
3 In part because of the geographic isolation of the borough , in part because of the necessity of living near the workplace , this population was rooted in the locality , producing a fierce sense of self identity and exclusion .
4 Vecchi was a small timer who earned some kind of living around the pool rooms .
5 Mr. Dennis has had the benefit of living in the house , despite his bankruptcy , for over eight years since he was adjudicated bankrupt .
6 WHATEVER your dream of living by the water in the West Country , now is the time to make the move .
7 I 've had odd holidays with friends and my parents but this is the first time I 've actually sort of lived in the country .
8 I 've got on the tape here a song which is by Manny Fryer he used to sing in Steel Ice Band er now I know that that 's sort of very old hat , I 'm sorry , but I sort of live in the past and er this er I I believe also that these days so that er you know I can sort of justify that but this is a song that er she has sung which er reminds us that each of us has the potential to commit the crime I 'll try not to play it fast forward , let's see how we go .
9 It was beautiful and luxurious and designed both as status symbol and for ease of living for the emperor himself .
10 They were n't used to the cheek-by-jowl contact it entailed ; the notion of living in the state of interdependence that bound Dora Lavender and Rose Kettle would have horrified them both .
11 He had overcome the main drawback of living in the country at Etten , since now he could associate with other artists , exchange views , be stimulated by the work and lives of others with whom he had something in common .
12 A new approach to central area redevelopment was implied if the argument was accepted , that if we were to have any chance of living with the car , then a different type of city was needed .
13 They are frequently denied the choice of living in the village in which they were born and brought up or in the village close to their employment .
14 As we saw in chapter ten , the beatitudes of Jesus express the radicalism of living under the rule of God 's own character .
15 They had the edge , a way of living for the moment that she envied .
16 I regard it as a way of living for the future , but what I feel I have learned so far is just the tip of the iceberg .
17 If all had gone well the husband would have earned very large sums for a long period so that he could have maintained them at least at their standard of living at the time of his death , and made other provisions for the future .
18 Almost immediately , a flourishing black-market in foodstuffs sprang up which allowed those with money , influence or access to scarce goods to have a slightly better standard of living at the expense of those with none of these commodities .
19 A strategical handicap of increased dependence on imported food and the incalculable cultural loss involved in commitment to an overwhelmingly industrial society were other results to be set against a higher standard of living for the majority .
20 Such tiny personal estates owned by eminent persons underline the initial impression of a thoroughly spartan standard of living in the North Country .
21 The assumption behind the Bacon and Eltis thesis is that only industrial production can maintain and improve the standard of living in the country .
22 This system is based on the home salary and aims to ensure that the expatriate 's standard of living in the home country is maintained while he is working abroad .
23 Such a development must be welcomed as being in line with the requirements of dynamic competition and capable of increasing the competitiveness of European industry , improving the conditions of growth and raising the standard of living in the Community
24 For instance , Tarrow hypotheses that where a generally populist strategy is adopted by a broad-based urban-rural coalition able to call on a strong administrative apparatus , social policy may have a general redistributive impact in raising the standard of living in the periphery .
25 As the industrial sector grew , especially with the rapid post-1918 development of heavy industry , the concentration of industry in urban areas meant that members of the rural population could no longer maintain even a pretence of living off the land , and were more and more drawn away to the expanding cities .
26 Atrocity stories — the shootings on the night of 2 May , Dupont 's sack of Cordoba , the pillage of soldiers in a country where the Napoleonic system of living on the country broke down — fed xenophobic hatred of the French as vandals and heretics .
27 Having always liked the idea of living in the country , Geoff decided to go for a country-style kitchen .
28 The fact of living in the back region itself leaves a social stigma .
29 HIDDEN IMMORALITY : Asian prostitute at a window in the red-light district of Balsall Heath , Birmingham , and ( inset ) Denise Seneviratne , producer of Living Off The Game
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