Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun sg] [adv] far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But the single patient with x and not y does make a great deal of difference as far as the theoretical use of the concept is concerned .
2 ‘ We all know about criminal cases and traffic offences , but there are many aspects of the work of the Magistrates Court which do not see the light of day as far as the general public are concerned , for example juvenile and matrimonial cases .
3 It seemed essential to minimise the proliferation of paper as far as possible and to centralise the recording of achievement in such a way that updating over a number of years would be possible .
4 Erm , I was just saying this before you came in Hannah that er er they 'll probably be quite different groups from the beginning of February and certainly will be er a change of tutor as far as you 're concerned cos I wo n't be involved in the .
5 There was not much of this kind of nonsense as far as I could tell by eavesdropping around the room , but there were cries of anguish when the prices of some of the wines were announced .
6 About how I was some kind of prophet as far as he was concerned and he was desperate to have me Confirmed .
7 They must ascertain the child 's wishes with regard to the provision of accommodation so far as this is reasonably practicable and consistent with his welfare ( s20(6) ) .
8 The perceived role of the Court and of the Commission as the twin guardians of the Treaty will be sufficient in practice to ensure that the Commission will determine the limits of its own field of competence so far as Article 38 and subsidiarity are concerned .
9 At the start of the season , the defensive system was a sweeper one , it worked superbly , we were winning though , but it , it 's the , it 's the reincarnation of the battle of Culloden as far as I 'm concerned ; Bonnie Prince Charlie just trying to swamp the Duke of Cumberland .
10 Because clearly an increase in in in the allocation sends a much stronger signal to potential investors and it carries with it a greater degree of certainty as far as the district council 's concerned , as far as potential investors are concerned .
11 She flung the fragment of saucer as far as she could , watching it spinning against the sky .
12 As a matter of fact , one of the men from Scotland Yard , a very nice inspector , told me on the way out that the whole thing was a waste of time as far as he was concerned .
13 Well , I was bored by the whole of presentation as far as television was concerned because I think television is bound to be superficial .
14 And they 're not help particularly by this text which can consume them with a sense of guilt as far as their faith is concerned .
15 But then I return to the knifeblade , flexing gently under my weight as I try to shift my centre of gravity as far as possible over my feet to protect the belay .
16 What is the significance of the tort of negligence as far as computers and software are concerned ?
17 The Akhenaten is interesting because he was the first Ayatollah of history as far as we know .
18 And we did a lot of experimentation as far as going for certain guitar sounds and stuff like that .
19 ‘ He was not a womaniser ; he did n't have a lot of confidence as far as women were concerned .
20 End of story as far as I 'm concerned .
21 It was the end of cabaret as far as we were concerned .
22 We happen to lie in the line of sight so far as Algol is concerned ( or nearly so ) ; if we were observing from a different vantage point there would be no eclipses , and Algol would shine steadily .
23 So it is essential to memorise your line of ascent as far as is possible , piecing together its major features and landmarks , even the times taken for each section , so as to smooth your downward passage .
24 This Service would provide legal help to CABx and other social agencies , similar to that hitherto provided by solicitors to CABx on an honorary basis ; would establish close liaison between the local profession and CABx and other social services ; would provide oral advice for the public in cases that could be readily disposed of ; would maintain permanent advisory centres where necessary , offering advice and assistance short of proceedings or representation in court ; and would set up permanent local centres offering representation in magistrates ' courts and county courts and the conduct of litigation so far as this could not be absorbed by solicitors ' firms .
25 Towards the end of his first letter to the Corinthians , Paul challenges the Corinthian Christians on the quality of their love , and in doing so has provided us with a bench-mark of quality as far as the practice of love is concerned .
26 The specific reference by Jesus to the flood again confirms that it was a true fact of history as far as He was concerned .
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