Example sentences of "[noun sg] live [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Recruited from the lower-middle or working class , the representative benefactor lived in a small house in a town or city , had no children or had children who were grown up , spoke not a word of German , knew nothing of Germany beyond the front-page news of the Express or Mirror , and did not begin to understand the trauma of being a young refugee .
2 The greater bamboo lemur lives in the Madagascan rainforest and has been affected by the decline in giant bamboo stems which are now used up by human settlements .
3 He was the fifth Richard Gough in succession to live as a small freeholder and yeoman farmer at Newton .
4 In the words of a working-class housewife living on a new council estate :
5 Conservative normativism lived in the analytical method , which is rooted in the divorce of fact from value , and law from politics , and which ran hand-in-hand with the recognition of the universal supervisory jurisdiction of our superior courts of law .
6 Another Stapler lived in the tiny Buckinghamshire village of Hogshaw , but his assets , totalling £300 , were exceptional for a country district ; he ranked as a gentleman and was a justice of the peace .
7 It happened with Porky , which was a novel about incest , in which the girl lived in a subsiding smallholding near Heathrow Airport — which is actually where Penguin Books is .
8 Like the series it supersedes , the L range lives in a slimline casing .
9 Truss-rod adjustment lives under the traditionally-situated cover above the nut , and offers full dual-action flexibility .
10 If you find an elderly person or a young child living in a cold room where the temperature is below 16°C ( 61°F ) , then you should quickly take steps to improve the situation .
11 ‘ Will it be with the Student Communist Party or Opus Dei ? ’ — both risks springing to the mind of a parent living in an ancient university city .
12 The mood of the Parisians , when they heard the news for which they had been waiting so long , was recorded by a young Welshman living in a rented room on the Ile de la Cité .
13 ‘ In the post-war years ’ , wrote Randolph 's son , ‘ Randolph remained for ever in debt because of his determination to live in the grand style to which he had allowed himself to become accustomed . ’
14 Those who run tennis live in the Victorian age , football is run by proven failures , cricket ruled by men who still belong to the archaic Gentlemen v. Players era and athletics is in the hands of incompetent amateurs .
15 Once a fisherman lived on the lonely shore .
16 This white man — well , he and Herbert — arrived at this port in Borneo where Boy Monsoon lived in a thatched hut with Balbindor .
17 Coaches on the way to Hastings made their last stop for horses at Battle 's George Hotel , where the ostler lived in a tiny cottage which still stands in the yard , to be roused by the bell outside his front door .
18 The demos could mean the whole citizen body living within a particular polis , or city-state , but might also be used to mean " the mob " or " the rabble " or " the lower order .
19 There was some panic among the population living near the Iraqi border as civil defence procedures were perceived as inadequate in the event of Turkey being drawn into the war ; there was a spontaneous exodus from the town of Silopi in January .
20 Frances Collier 's detailed studies show a skilled group living at the advancing edge of technology yet who were largely able to offset the falling piece rates thus entailed by greater output .
21 This may sound a silly question , since this book assumes that its readers are looking for a place to live in the British Isles , but it is more sensible than it sounds .
22 So , too , do those people in towns who have the misfortune to live near the wrong warehouse .
23 The spokesman goes on , ‘ What the PLO desires for the Palestinians , is what the majority of people in Northern Ireland require for their people the right to live in a democratic society free from fear . ’
24 Most species of marine organism live on the continental shelf .
25 Much of Australia 's population live in the temperate rain forest conditions of South of the evergreen conditions of the South West because the lands vegetation is able to live with .
26 One such pocketed herd lived in a small patch of jungle in the centre of a coconut-growing area at Deduru-Oya .
27 She had n't known , when she agreed to Caro 's suggestion , that her friend lived on a narrow boat .
28 In one , for example , a casual labourer and his wife in their sixties lived with a woman of 79 , her son of 57 who was a street matchseller , and six younger tenants ; in another a woman of 68 was subletting to another woman of 65 , a crippled woman of sixty , and two others ; while in a third household a 71-year-old sandwich-man lived with an unrelated widow and widower of the same age and two younger tenants .
29 The case highlighted the difficulty facing a mortgagee when a person other than its borrower lives at the mortgaged premises , for such person , as confirmed by this case , may have rights or interests in that property ( although the principles of the case are not being so strictly applied as was first thought — see Bristol & West Building Society v Henning [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 606 and Midland Bank Ltd v Dobson ( 1985 ) NLJ 26 July , 251 ) .
30 With their central register filed in address order , information about any person living at the relevant address is passed regardless of their name .
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