Example sentences of "[noun sg] be sent to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Copies of optometry feedback are sent to the patient 's general practitioner , who is thereby kept informed of eye assessments .
2 If DELAY is not zero control is immediately returned to the main program , but if DELAY has reached zero the next step command is sent to the excitation sequence control and DELAY is loaded with the next value from the look-up table — The times between step commands are therefore proportional to the ( constant ) clock period and the look.up table values .
3 The direction attribute is not mandatory , defaulting to ( UP , DOWN , SELF ) , and if no match is found then the task or mail is sent to the project administrator .
4 A report on the shooting was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service , but it decided not to take any action against Miss Hobson .
5 ( 3 ) The general practitioner review prompt is sent to the patient only when the results of the blood and urine tests have been received by the database .
6 A deputation was sent to the Board of Trade and a Memorial introduced into the House of Commons by J.T.Wawn , MP for South Shields and by the indefatigable Joseph Hume .
7 The publication was sent to the printer on disk in the usual way , along with the three disks of pictures .
8 The Protocol documentation , as is seen later , requires the seller 's conveyancer to prepare absolutely everything at the outset , so that a complete package is sent to the buyer 's conveyancer for consideration .
9 This Job Control file is sent to the batch queue by the SUBMIT-JOB command as described above .
10 The local cadres recognised their protest as legal and an investigation team was sent to the college to see if their complaints had any substance .
11 And , although a file was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service , no action will be taken because of lack of evidence .
12 A file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , but the DPP decided not to press charges .
13 A file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , but the DPP decided not to press charges against the individuals concerned .
14 Her husband was sent to the plant after the disaster and now suffers from poor health , and is often anxious and snappy .
15 The jobs in the batch queue are executed when they reach the head of their particular queue , and the output is sent to the system line-printer .
16 No further output is sent to the terminal .
17 Output is sent to the file VALIFY.TXT , in the current default directory .
18 Output is sent to the file VALIFY.CRC , in the current default directory .
19 The disease notifiable under the EC Plant Health Directive was identified after a suspect sample was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture for advisory identification .
20 The buyer-importer , who , as indicated above , was usually designated as the notify party of the CKR , was one of the two parties to receive the arrival notice , the other was sent to the consignee-creditor .
21 Police evidence was sent to the Procurator Fiscal , who had to decide whether there were grounds enough for criminal prosecutions to proceed .
22 ‘ A file will in due course be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , ’ said a spokeswoman .
23 At the same time , samples of blood and tissue from the donor are sent to the centre for tests that take four or five hours .
24 When a newspaper is ready for printing , a photocopy of each page is sent to the Ministry of Territorial Administration in Yaoundé .
25 The figures come as a 33,000-signature petition is sent to the Home Office by Carole Whittingham of Rastrick , whose 27-year-old son Stephen was killed by a stolen car .
26 If payment is made into court " to abide issue " , a remittance and notice is sent to the Accountant-General immediately ( ibid r 31(3) ) .
27 If the defendant admits the plaintiff 's right to recovery of land , notice is sent to the plaintiff ( N 229 ) .
28 Suppose an interrupt signal is sent to the control unit by a transput device while the instruction at location n is being executed .
29 When the downcounter reads zero the required number of steps have been executed and a STOP signal is sent to the control unit to inhibit all further step commands .
30 ( a ) The first test submitted by each student is sent to the Education Service office where the student is allocated to a tutor , to whom the test is then forwarded .
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