Example sentences of "[noun sg] be charge with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The defendant was charged with the murder of Sharon Lewis on a fresh indictment on which he was tried before Parnell J. and a jury .
2 Is he aware that that Committee is charged with the responsibility of assessing the legal and political impact of EEC proposals on the United Kingdom and for its reports , together with the proposals , to be debated here before decisions are made by the Ministers concerned ?
3 Well the first thing is that the City Council is charged with the defence of common land that and Port Meadow is a piece of common land that 's been in the possession of the people of Oxford and Oxfordshire and of England for over a thousand years .
4 The Council was charged with the task of seeing that the new courses were of degree standard , but was powerless to adjudicate on the wisdom or otherwise of there being so many arts-orientated courses in the first place .
5 The procedure is that : LCH gives notice of its decision to consolidate to the relevant exchange , the selling member and the buying member ; the seller is charged with the conduct of LCH 's case against the buyer ; and the buyer is charged with LCH 's case against the seller ; copies of all pleadings being supplied to LCH and LCH retaining the right to submit its own arguments to the arbitrators .
6 A fundamentalist group was charged with the assassination of President Sadat in 1981 and the atmosphere persisted throughout the 1980s .
7 The group was charged with the murder in 1987 of a taxi driver and of a Moslem cleric of moderate views .
8 These were designed to ensure free competition within the EC , with the European Commission being charged with the responsibility for applying the legislation .
9 A 22-year-man and a 26 year-old woman were charged with the killing early today .
10 But the considerations which persuaded this House to hold that there was a discretion whether or not to require an undertaking in damages from the Crown in a law enforcement action are equally applicable to cases in which some other public authority is charged with the enforcement of the law : see e.g. Lord Reid , at p. 341g , Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest , at p. 352c , and Lord Cross of Chelsea , at p. 371b–g .
11 The Commission is charged with the task of enforcing the competition rules , and enjoys discretionary powers to exempt agreements which , despite containing certain clauses which restrict competition , have the overall effect of promoting economic progress and benefiting consumers .
12 He argued that , although courts of law exist to determine rights and departments of state are charged with the implementation of policy , court judgments can be viewed as the expressions of judicial conceptions of social policy and departmental policies do not in general ignore the issue of private rights .
13 The world is charged with the grandeur of God .
14 Wordsworth emphasizes the immanence of God , that is , His presence in Nature ; to say that Nature is permeated by God is perfectly orthodox — the Roman Catholic poet and Jesuit priest , Gerard Manley Hopkins , wrote a sonnet beginning ‘ The world is charged with the grandeur of God ’ .
15 In October 1529 , the cardinal was charged with the offence of praemunire , of introducing an illegal foreign authority into England through his acceptance of the office of papal legate a latere .
16 LDDC on the other hand was charged with the regeneration of a massive eight square miles where entire communities lived and worked and which was the focus of a well-advanced redevelopment strategy — the London Docklands Strategic Plan — approved by the GLC , local authorities and the Department of the Environment .
17 On page five , those of you who were at the last council meeting will know that the City Centre Management Working Party were charged with the responsibility of looking at the whole issue of street trading .
18 In the United Kingdom the Faculty of Public Health Medicine is charged with the responsibility of maintaining and developing postgraduate training and education in the specialty .
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