Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] [prep] response to " in BNC.

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1 The programme was devised in response to feedback from the previous term 's courses on assertiveness and time management , which suggested that one day courses did not allow for adequate reflection on the issues , practice or follow up discussion .
2 In our study , however , no release of VIP was seen in response to luminal infusion of bile .
3 There is a Waverley Abbey connection here ; the piece was created in response to a commission from the Abbey of Cîteaux in France , the very first of the Cistercian monasteries , in order to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the birth of this remarkable man .
4 It was held that the Ford Motor Company had applied the trade description ‘ new ’ since the car was supplied in response to a request containing an indirect indication of that description and , in the words of section 4(3) , it was ‘ reasonable to infer that the goods [ were ] supplied as goods corresponding to that trade description . ’
5 The Supreme Court action was taken in response to a petition against the government 's decision submitted by the Bar Association .
6 It is possible , of course , that the depression or anxiety is felt in response to the physical symptoms — rather than being directly caused by the food itself — or that the person experiences certain mental responses to certain foods simply because they expect to do so .
7 The Act was passed in response to the situation of conflict which had developed between fascists and anti-fascists in the East End , but had a wider purpose — to exert greater social control through increased police powers and the threat to public order posed by political extremism in general .
8 Less noticeable phosphorylation of the receptor was seen in response to EGF in liver plasma membranes isolated 24 hours after partial hepatectomy and in TAGH infusion ( Figs 3 and 4 ) .
9 in the absence of acceptance , the subsequent correspondence was written in response to a ‘ wp ’ offer and as such was privileged .
10 In that same collection of essays , however , an interesting parable is advanced in response to Flew by the philosopher of religion Basil Mitchell .
11 For example , though normally consent is given in response to an initiative of another it need not be .
12 This package was developed in response to competition from such vendors as Intuit Inc and its ‘ bottom-end ’ product , Quicken ( CI No 2,016 ) .
13 The meeting was held in response to a crisis of confidence following the June referendum in Denmark rejecting ratification of the Maastricht Treaty [ see p. 38942 ] , the narrow majority in the September referendum in France approving ratification [ see pp. 39080-82 ] , and the European currency crisis [ ibid . ] .
14 The initiative was launched in response to an employee attitude survey which showed that people wanted to contribute more to the success of the business .
15 If the choice is made in response to your inner feelings , your gut feelings , then go with it .
16 The bill was introduced in response to a wave of food riots and looting of warehouses used to store foreign aid supplies .
17 Johnson 's book was written in response to the Moors Murders and the ensuing trial .
18 The resolution was submitted in response to US President George Bush 's controversial March 3 statement equating Jerusalem with the occupied territories [ see p. 37304 ] .
19 Although endothelial replication is increased in response to hypertension or hyperlipidaemia ( Florentin et al , 1969 ; Schwartz et al , 1980 ) , this does not necessarily imply that the arterial intima is denuded of endothelium .
20 If payment is received in response to the LBA , the haulier should acknowledge receipt and seriously consider whether he wishes to do further business with this reluctant payer , If no response is forthcoming from the debtor , the haulier should sue or instruct his solicitor to sue , as threatened .
21 Insulin is probably the connecting link between sugar consumption and breast cancer this hormone is secreted in response to rising levels of glucose in the blood .
22 The Chinese threat was made in response to earlier decisions taken in Hong Kong on the controversial US$24,000 million new airport project .
23 The release of PYY and enteroglucagon was measured in response to intraluminal stimuli in 176 patients having investigative colonoscopy .
24 The company says the Dedicated Systems Business Unit was formed in response to customer demand for additional networking functionality in dedicated systems , which it conceives of as dedicated systems with low system overhead , fast performance , built-in networking , real time response and graphics capabilities .
25 The Direction was issued in response to growing concern at the spread of large , out-of-town retail developments , some on greenfield sites .
26 Motility was measured in response to luminal bile and after washout of the lumen .
27 The decision was taken in response to fears that the town could be the next target in the current IRA bomb blitz .
28 The decision was taken in response to a campaign by Greenpeace against the international trade in waste products and in the wake of a scandal involving the illegal importation of hospital waste from Germany [ see ED 62 ] .
29 The channel is opened in response to the cooperative binding of cGMP to the 63K channel subunits .
30 The Field Developer 's Manual was published in response to the growing need for both technical and economic information on the application of novel offshore production techniques .
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