Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] at [det] times " in BNC.

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1 The courtyard is breathtakingly beautiful , although to have your breath taken away it is necessary to keep student hours , the entrance from the Via Francesco side being controlled at all times , while that on the Via Festa del Perdono side is open when the University is also open .
2 Here police monitoring of the large crowds was facilitated by ‘ sophisticated radio equipment supplied by the Army , hot lines to the White House and the Pentagon , and an 8 by 12-foot map of the city , complete with a zoom-lens television camera for closeups , that could show where every police officer and other security force was located at all times ’ ( Farber , 1988:159 ) .
3 Rostov 's authority was limited at all times by the secrecy requirements which surrounded every incomplete survey , and he had already concluded that his presence on the mission was actually of questionable value .
4 The manager had explained to him when he was taken on that the insurance people insisted the wharf was guarded at all times before they would agree to give cover .
5 Part-time employment is assumed at all times to involve a 10 per cent pay penalty reflecting the ‘ crummy job effect ’ on the pay of those with current domestic constraints .
6 John of Marmoutier 's life of Geoffrey le Bel offers a glimpse of how strong bonds were created between the prince and his followers within the household , and how a high level of training was maintained at all times .
7 On the contrary , standards require that the information system is consulted at all times , not only because it is impossible to memorise everything but also because it is likely that facts have changed since they were last consulted .
8 For example , the amount of the Sun 's light reaching the Earth is reduced at such times , although it is hard to guess whether or not this would be significant .
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