Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] included a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It stressed its social programme which included a minimum wage , minimum unemployment benefits and a basic 40-hour week .
2 In so far as the French Union was a federation which would group Indochina , Black Africa , and North Africa it was , as Raymond Aron pointed out , a grandiose objective but at least in the original proposals of the drafting committee which included a former governor general of Indochina , Alexandre Varenne , it was to be a union based on free consent .
3 A BTEC Business and Finance Course committee which included a well-briefed bank manager , company accountant or finance director would be able to devise assignments which reflected or drew upon genuine business examples .
4 He also presided over a Legislative Council which included a non-official minority .
5 League dynamo Robert Irwin masterminded the thriving Greystone table tennis league and ensured that all the players had a feast of competition throughout the season , and pride of place went to the Cookstown team which included a unique father and daughter combination in Joe and Joanne Hutton , as well as the Scott brothers Alistair and Nigel .
6 On Friday , Mr Husak announced a widesweeping amnesty which included a general pardon for those charged with subversion under the notorious Article 98 of the penal code often used to stifle political protest .
7 When the chairman of the inquiry into the King 's Cross Underground fire made his report he was strongly critical of London Underground 's management ( the two top men quit hours before the report was published ) : ‘ An inward looking approach fostered by the organisation 's narrow horizons undoubtedly led to a dangerous , blinkered self-sufficiency which included a general unwillingness to take advice or accept criticism from outside bodies . ’
8 Graham Sheward , a 54-year-old from Colchester , is no stranger to gritting his teeth and mixing with the best in various stamina events , feeding off an Army career which included a back-breaking spell in the Parachute Regiment .
9 On Elizabeth 's death in 1603 , therefore , her successor James I became head of an English church which included a wide spectrum of religious opinion .
10 But they were still two remarkable performances , particularly his top-20 finish at the Forte Seniors ' Championship which included a last round 73 against a very tough par of 71 .
11 Altogether about 50 were at the reunion which included a splendid lunch .
12 The clue to rural class conflict was therefore the existence of a thriving rural underworld which included a whole range of activities such as arson , poaching and the propagation of usually inconsequential subversive talk in the taproom of the local alehouse .
13 Having , as I say , abandoned everything he had done , he sat down and wrote a six-part novel within a year which included a twenty-six day break in which he threw together and dictated The Gambler , itself not a small book nor a negligible one , to satisfy the terms of a contract he had made with a shyster publisher .
14 For the latter , the Association arranged the travel and accommodation for the fifty strong British contingent which included a National Workers ' Sports Association team , a group of Clarion cyclists , and spectators .
15 They were depression , an alcohol problem which included a heavy drinking bout the night before he killed himself , the disgrace he had brought on himself .
16 After serving with the Royal Flying Corps as a wireless equipment officer , a time which included a formative spell at the Wireless Experimental Station , Biggin Hill , Eckersley joined Marconi 's Wireless Telegraph Company in 1919 as head of the experimental section of its designs department .
17 The Colombo-to-Kandy line was completed in 1868 , and fifty years later there was an extensive network which included a coastal line from Puttalam to Matara and which linked Colombo with Anuradhapura , Kurunagala , Matale , Badulla and Ratnapura .
18 Betty Titford , Thomas 's wife , received help because she was sick ; Thomas himself was out of work in 1801 , and qualified for relief both on that score and because he was the head of a one-parent family which included a sick daughter ; Hephzibah , the little orphan , had been helped and then apprenticed by the overseers , and finally John and Ann , briefly subsidised during times of economic dearth , eventually survived long enough to collect a very modest old-age pension .
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