Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] come [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The nearest any western fighting technique has come to the eastern martial arts , is in the French art of ‘ la Savate ’ .
2 Much of his new support has come from the left , however .
3 This new expansion of the department has come at the right moment for the National Railway Museum in view of the recent acquisition of the Ian Allan negative collection .
4 Similar support for a modified accelerator theory as a determinant of investment has come from the recent studies of Catinat ( 1991 ) and Ford and Poret ( 1990 ) .
5 The Third Force has come into the Christian spectrum , and it is a force to be reckoned with .
6 It is interesting that recent research has come to the same conclusions as Golding as to the usefulness of such modes of thought : The deployment of simile , underlexicalisation and metaphor thus makes a major contribution to the exposition of the novel 's thematic concern with the linked development of thought and language in the people .
7 It is undeniable that a great deal of important and fundamental research has come from the several centres of excellence in the USA .
8 Most of the money for the campaign has come from the central government and the United Nations , but it seems to be Marxist enthusiasm that has put it to good use .
9 DECADENCE has come to the Third Rome .
10 On the contrary , some of the best evidence for the presence of a linear graduation process has come from the biographical material given by samples of fans in the three major groups .
11 More recent authority has come to the same conclusion : see Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 per Pearson LJ and Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 per Megaw LJ .
12 Part of the impetus has come from the intrinsic interest of the mathematics itself , which has led to major advances in such fields as algebra , analysis , number theory , geometry and topology .
13 The time has come for the Prime Minister to stop playing Conservative party politics with the issues and to rise to the real level of the challenges that confront us in Britain , everyone in Europe and , indeed , every inhabitant of the planet .
14 A quick dust , to get rid of the cobwebs , and it 's off to the track , adrenalin pumping , because that time has come for the first track workout of the summer .
15 Explaining , now , more of the past history of Samavia , Lorestan reveals that the Lost Prince has been found , the time has come for the corrupt government to be overthrown and the message must be carried through Europe that ‘ the lamp is lighted ’ .
16 Much of the northern produce has come from the subpolar maritime fringe , notably whalebone and whale oil from the open sea , seal oil , hides and furs from islands and sea ice , fish , and , most recently , shrimps from the continental shelf and slopes .
17 When a challenge has not , at a certain point in time , been countered by a riposte , then the person who has suffered injury has come under the symbolic power of the challenger .
18 Yet , like most faiths in the twentieth century , Christianity has come under the hypnotic spell of this modern attitude , and Christians are beguiled into behaving as it demands .
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