Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] at a [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 However , it has been judicially observed that the objection to a rent representing a percentage of the tenant 's turnover is that , if the price of a commodity rises at a faster rate than the cost of living , pressure is likely to develop on dealers in that commodity to reduce their margin of profit or rate of commission ( Naylor v Uttoxeter UDC ( 1974 ) 231 EG 619 per Brightman J ) .
2 No firm grows at a constant rate throughout its life , so while the earnings model in the last subsection gives simple and convenient formulae for the share price , it is not very realistic .
3 But after death , the amount of radiocarbon decreases at a fixed rate : it halves every 5730 years .
4 Subsequently the widths of the linear magnetic zones were related to the duration of each successive epoch of normal and reversed polarity on the assumption that the ocean floor spreads at a constant rate away from mid-oceanic ridges .
5 As output and sales rise , so does total cost and , in this example , total cost rises at a constant rate from £220,000 when 40,000 units are produced to £700,000 when 200,000 units are produced .
6 In every case the estimate of β was markedly higher for the period closer to delivery , i.e. volatility declines at a faster rate in the fifty days just before delivery .
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