Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] require for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet a sizeable turnover is required for a successful market : given the concern with the structure of the London capital market , and increasing international competition between markets , analysis of what determines turnover has an immediate relevance .
2 Our fourth connection , as may be anticipated , is that a causal circumstance , like a cause , requires the effect , and the effect is required for the causal circumstance .
3 In May 1890 , the minutes state that ‘ the old Saloon Shed having been pulled down to make room for the new Paint Shop , a shed is required for the three shunt engines ’ .
4 Dulwich Picture Gallery No previous knowledge is required for a five-day course on Conservation , Care and Appreciation of Old Master Paintings ( 22-26 Jan and repeated 29 Jan-2 Feb 1990 ) .
5 A mental activity , shape or pattern is required for the outer action and behaviour to be manifest .
6 Sometimes grace periods are granted which means that no repayment of the loan 's principal is required for the first few years .
7 In these ways third States whose co-operation is required for the effective performance of a treaty can be brought within its framework , without necessarily becoming parties to it .
8 Thereafter , ‘ fly the line ’ , keeping a careful eye on drift and timing for the first quarter of the route , and replicating whatever heading is required for the next three- quarters , noting the times to the quarter-points .
9 Although the threats to the BBC may have been ideologically motivated , a different sort of explanation is required for the current review of the commercial television sector .
10 It saves having to re-type the contract if the transaction does not proceed and the contract is required for an alternative proposed buyer .
11 Incidentally , although a level of ability is required for the full-time course and potential students are assessed either playing in person or on cassette , ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels are not pre-entry requirements , and ( although a useful personal asset ) neither is the ability to read music .
12 Using radiocarbon dating by accelerator mass spectrometry , which requires much less material , means that only a tiny amount of the charcoal underdrawing is required for an accurate dating to be obtained .
13 Although such possessory rights are capable of being disposed inter vivos and can devolve to one 's heirs upon death , the cardinal rule in Islam is that the State can at any time repossess the land if such land is required for the public good .
14 Although the COB Rules provide that no customer agreement is required for an indirect customer as such , the purpose of these provisions is to treat him as a direct customer in the particular circumstances and so that exclusion is irrelevant .
15 A right hand response to a left field presentation ( indirect or crossed reaction ) , however , would mean that the hemisphere initiating the manual response is not the hemisphere receiving the stimulus and therefore some finite interval of time is required for a nervous impulse to cross from one half of the brain to the other in order to generate a response .
16 Perhaps this length of time is required for the long-chain polymers to stabilize after the succussion process ends .
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