Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have a [adj] impact " in BNC.

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1 Dermot Gleeson , corporation board member , said : ‘ There is a greater awareness of the seriousness of the housing situation in the country as a whole and this investment will have a major impact on the region 's housing problems . ’
2 In many cases these activities have promoted gender-neutral policies and perhaps in the long term will have a major impact on some aspects of gender bias in schools .
3 Two examples from Victoria , Australia , show how coordinated legislative and voluntary sector action can have a substantial impact on public behaviour .
4 Clearly any proposal will have a major impact on the trunk road system .
5 Erm , I 'd just like to ask Sir Leonard whether the nature of the issues that are dealt with by environmental organisations , erm , indeed arguments such as pays etc. erm , introduces a difference in the nature of the relationship between the private sector and environmental N G Os , particularly when the issues that we promote , such as su the sustainable use of the world resources and the reduction of environmental degradation can have a direct impact on a companies bottom line .
6 Observers say that in today 's social climate both the charges and story could have a negative impact on SCO .
7 The evidence available shows that school provision could have a marked impact on the way in which special needs arise , and can be met ; yet schools appear to have no clear view on what provision is the most effective .
8 The the conclusions of the National Rivers Authority erm and the the Water Authority was that er in general terms er the location of a new settlement could have a significant impact er on local land drainage .
9 An invention which is properly exploited by a small business may have a dramatic impact on the employer 's turnover ; a larger business , on the other hand , may be able to generate a far larger sales income with the same invention but ultimately produce an insignificant effect on the latter 's overall liquidity .
10 I might struggle to hold fast to my course , to become just another off-the-peg person dangling on the idiomatic hook ( line and sinker ) , my voting habits purely a function of minute alterations in fiscal policy , but a moment 's relaxation could have a jolting impact .
11 It accepted the recommendations of chief planning officer Tony Noble , who said the development could have a major impact on existing shopping centres .
12 The ‘ baseline ’ for comparison may have a major impact on these costs .
13 Religion and war are two obvious areas where government policy could have a direct impact on the population at large , and these were the two major sources of party conflict at this time .
14 Does he agree that that policy would have a devastating impact on people who live in the country areas of Teignbridge ?
15 Finance for books , previously received for students aged 16 to 18 from the local authority , is likely to become a less frequent feature of the scene , and its absence will have a particular impact in those areas that have adopted a system of wholly tertiary colleges .
16 Such a measure would have a dramatic impact .
17 However , SERPLAN concludes that , with the exception of tourism and the distributive trades ‘ the tunnel may have a smaller impact on the economy of the region than is popularly imagined ’ .
18 In agriculture , biotechnology may have a major impact on crop yields — the yield from cassava in Africa could be quadrupled if the plant could be made resistant to African cassava mosaic virus .
19 By accurate and sensible reporting , mirrored by intelligent coverage in the press and on the radio , the public could become much better informed about mental handicap and this increased awareness could have a tremendous impact on the ways that our mentally handicapped population are perceived in modern society .
20 As suppliers base the price of the maintenance services they offer on the retail value of their kit — generally between 8% and 10% of costs — this trend will have a negative impact on suppliers ' profits .
21 Bills of this size will have a devastating impact on families still struggling to fight their way out of the recession .
22 Where efforts have been made , as in parts of the south of Italy , evidence is accumulating that , at least in the specific areas concerned , a production cooperative approach can have a profound impact on local employment and economic development .
23 The technique will have a major impact in this subject .
24 However , if the Development Manager considers that the proposed change will have a significant impact on functionality , cost , or timescale , then the Change Management Procedures should be followed .
25 Judging by the scheme 's success it looks as though Darlington 's Railside Revival project could have a profound impact on the North-East as a whole well into the next century .
26 The fact that they arranged for a petition from the inhabitants of Southwark , complaining about those who had welcomed the Palatines , to be presented to the Commons on the same day that they brought in the bill of repeal , suggests that contemporary politicians ( unlike some modern-day historians ) did believe that popular pressure could have a powerful impact on events at Westminster .
27 By the end of the year he was predicting , in research carried out for the Scottish National Party , that unemployment would have a worse impact in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK , reflecting the poorer social conditions prevalent there .
28 Privatisation will have a dramatic impact on Italy 's business system ’ , says Rolando Polli , the head of the Milan office of McKinsey , a consultancy .
29 The new guidelines aim to give added protection to the countryside while at the same time promoting In drawing up the guidelines , planners accept that golf can have a major impact on countryside amenities , which , they claim , must be weighed against considerable economic and recreational benefit .
30 Conversion to renewable sources of energy could have a major impact , particularly in rural areas ; the Department of Energy estimates that renewable energy resources in the US exceed annual use by 250 times .
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