Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] meet the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then I was asked to join the small group selected to meet the Royal personage in attendance , the Duchess of Gloucester .
2 In systems terms , there would also need to be mechanisms for taking control or corrective action based on defined measures of performance , related in this case to the effectiveness of education provision ( ie ensuring that the curriculum delivered meets the defined education requirements ) , and to the accurate provision of resources .
3 Proposal documents inevitably employed statements of broad aim couched in general terms and expressed in a way thought to meet the Coordinating Team 's expectations .
4 CPRW 's Gwent branch has attacked the amount of undeveloped land needed to meet the new housing target in the revised Gwent Structure Plan .
5 But Britain has already been through the ordeal of restructuring needed to meet the fierce competition from Asia and , increasingly , the Third World .
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