Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] himself to the " in BNC.

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1 In more than one crunch game when the pressure was off and the ball was in the opposition 's half , Frank would climb on to the bar and endear himself to the Celtic faithful by pretending to sleep on the woodwork .
2 — Could he have survived the fall and dragged himself to the position where he was found ? — This seemed the most likely explanation .
3 It was established that individual pathetic character once and forever by tying one end of his pocket handkerchief to a hook on , in the wall and attaching himself to the other to the performance , to , to the performance of this feat however the pocket handkerchief inside had been all he , he only cried bitterly all day and when the longest nights came on he spread his little hand before his eyes to shut out the darkness and crouching in the corner tried to sleep , everyone drawing himself closer and closer to the wall
4 Those who simplify moral judgement to the application of standards would assume that he has either to impose his own code or to accommodate himself to the other .
5 A lonely childhood , a youthful longing for adventure , made it easy enough for Dick to lay aside his devotion to an almost legendary father and to dedicate himself to the service of a man who gave him the emotional security and incentive he had lacked for so long .
6 Peregrine , however , was there lying back in his chair and offering himself to the hot sun in rather a shameless way .
7 D'Arcy punched the intercom button and introduced himself to the disembodied Oriental voice at the other end .
8 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
9 Uncle Philip broke the armour off a pink battalion of shrimps and ate them steadily , chewed through a loaf of bread spread with half a pound of butter and helped himself to the lion 's share of the cake while gazing at her with expressionless satisfaction , apparently deriving a certain pleasure from her discomfort , or even finding that the sight of it improved his appetite .
10 Sooner or later , he would have to flesh out his identity and define himself to the French people , by stating his views on difficult and often divisive issues .
11 The umbrella-holder had understood the nature of his task and positioned himself to the left of the other , holding the umbrella to parry the rain which was beginning to fall with increasing severity .
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