Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] station in " in BNC.

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1 In June the chairman of the opposition Birlik organisation , Abdurakhim Pulatov , needed emergency hospital treatment for skull fractures after four men beat him and a companion with metal bars as they left an interview at a police station in the capital Tashkent .
2 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
3 ‘ There 's no need for a police station in a built-up area like this , when there 's a huge security force base just half a mile away , ’ he said .
4 Helped by the gallery owner and a passer-by , he frog-marched the two men and a woman to a police station in Toxteth , Liverpool .
5 The 17-year-old alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in Brixton , South London , on Saturday .
6 On Jan. 6 the government signed a peace agreement with Tuareg rebels , whose uprising had begun with an attack on a police station in June 1990 and led to the imposition of a state of emergency in the north of the country [ see pp. 37703 ; 37800 ] .
7 ( e ) where a person is in police detention in one police area and his arrest is sought in another area and he is taken to that area for questioning , the relevant time is : ( i ) the time of his arrival at the police station in the second area , ( ii ) the time 24 hours after he leaves the police station in the first area , whichever is the earlier .
8 In the flat desert land of a cattle station in Northwestern Australia , close to a place called Gogo by the aborigines , rises a line of strange steep-sided rocky bluffs , 300 metres high .
9 On Dec. 13 , 1989 , a State Security court in Erzincan sentenced to death Adil Can for his part in a raid on a police station in Gumushane 's Siran district .
10 The death of one 16-year-old under interrogation at a police station in January 1990 has yet to be properly investigated .
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