Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] [adj] months " in BNC.

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1 Selection criteria were specified , including the requirements that the solicitor 's office be reasonably accessible to the appropriate magistrates ' court and that the solicitor have sufficient criminal advocacy experience during the previous 18 months .
2 In conclusion , may I take this opportunity of thanking the Chief Executive and Directors of Plantsbrook Group , the National Secretary , the Officers , Administration Secretary and the Staff at the National Office and , last but not least , my colleagues at work for all their support during the past twelve months .
3 Not all problems have gone away of course : yesterday 's £6.4 billion public sector borrowing requirement is not much higher than expectations , but it is almost as large as the deficit for the previous 11 months and — with this year 's deficit forecast to be double last year 's — shows why the Bank of England so eagerly sold £2 billion or more of gilts on election night and why it needs a regular stream of massive sales .
4 ‘ And , while I appreciate your charitable intent in trying to comfort me for Lotta 's absence from my bed , I tell you once more that the time when I might have needed consolation for Lotta 's tricks has long since passed , and the fact that I 've chosen to live the life of a monk for the past six months is because until the past few days I have felt no desire to give in to the temptations paraded before me . ’
5 On the journalists ' evidence , if the directives had been in force during the previous twelve months the effect on air time would have been minimal .
6 There ya go Mark , that should give you enough ammo for a good few months yet : - ) )
7 The laser has been developed and built in Banbury … its been undergoing sea tests on the south coast for the past few months
8 Besides , Sharpe 's caution is justified since Graham Taylor has picked a team full of players itching to be the one whose finger pulls the trigger that will release the World Cup tension of the past few months — and in the process bring much-needed relief to manager Graham Taylor and his backroom team .
9 If he does not , the uncertainty of the past few months — which has become worse in the past three weeks — will continue to hang over the coal industry .
10 perpetuation of the pantomime of the past few months will serve nobody 's purpose .
11 Kleinwort last month reported a decline in pre-tax profits of almost £5m to £30.1m in the first half , though recovering from loss in the previous six months .
12 Borrowers who underpay tax if interest rates rise must give any unpaid interest to the Revenue in the subsequent 12 months .
13 Despite losing winger Carl Gibson with a broken left leg in the 16th minute , Leeds boss Doug Laughton saw his million-pound outlay in the past 15 months reap rich reward .
14 ( Although North Korea had signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1985 — see p. 34269 — , it had failed in its obligation to sign an inspection accord within the following 18 months . )
15 It 's in stark contrast to the inactivity at Jensen 's own factory in West Bromwich , where they 've sold just one car in the past 6 months .
16 A business is required to register for VAT if at the end of any month its turnover in the past twelve months exceeds £36 600 .
17 The 56 people who died during the riots are around 3 per cent of the total expected to die from violent crime in the current 12 months .
18 The survey of 2,670 firms by the Forum of Private Business , conducted in the first quarter of this year , found that 45pc had been affected by crime in the past 12 months .
19 A survey by the million-strong Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union , the largest in manufacturing , reported 33,352 job losses in the industry in the past four months involving 377 different companies .
20 Police have been among the main targets of Muslim extremists seeking to turn Egypt into an Islamic theocracy and more than 200 people have died in the violence over the past 20 months .
21 After gathering momentum over the past six months under the guidance of an Interim Action Board while fundamental matters such as constitution , scope , budgets and organisational structures were determined , DISC is now poised to seek confirmation from the BSI Board that DISC may be formally established within the BSI framework .
22 ‘ But I 've become a cult figure over the past 18 months , I have respect now ; people do n't walk up in the street and say ‘ Hi Chris ’ and clap me on the shoulder .
23 This particular company , with the unusual name of Garth Enterprises , had been quite a glamour stock over the past eighteen months or so , and had a mixture of interests in restaurants , pubs , snooker halls , and property .
24 If he is interested in looking close to home , he should note the fact that while unemployment in my constituency has , tragically , gone up by the figure he mentioned in the course of the past 12 months , it has gone up in his constituency by 110 per cent .
25 Parents ' main interest was seen as the opportunity to influence the quality of their children 's education … the view was expressed that the APM should be seen as the climax to a continuous relationship between various parties and an opportunity for them to come together and ask questions about what had happened over the course of the previous 12 months .
26 Even then , however , the upturn had served more as a harbinger of better things to come than as the means of eclipsing the recessionary weakness of the previous 11 months .
27 I ca n't think he was helped by all the upset at home during the past 18 months — mum taking a new man , & more or less telling both children that they could go & live with their Dad ( or Dads ) .
28 It 's been running a similar pilot scheme at the Radcliffe Infirmary for the past eighteen months and says consultants are enthusiastic about the results .
29 Those of modest personal means or unable to command corporate finance are unlikely even to enter primary races , let alone sustain a campaign through a gruelling eighteen months of campaigning for the party nomination .
30 Parents reported whether their children had suffered from attacks of asthma or bronchitis during the past 12 months , whether they usually coughed first thing in the morning or at any other time , whether their chest ever sounded wheezy or whistling , and , if so , whether this symptom was present on most days or nights .
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