Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] himself [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
2 While John the Divine describes himself to the seven churches in Asia as your partner in patiently enduring the suffering that comes to those who belong to his Kingdom ’ ( Rev. 1:9 ) .
3 Romantic love is the nearest most people reach to the peak experience , for the lover loses himself in the beloved and while he is in the state of love , he forgets all his problems and is happy for perhaps the first time in his life .
4 It was not long before Tony joined me in an attempt to free himself of the sizzling mushrooms .
5 And yet in one way the later poet contradicts himself in the next stanza by following the traditional pastoral view that there is plentiful and ‘ luscious ’ fruit , ready to be picked and savoured .
6 In spite of his ritual attempt to distance himself from the young man who had written that poem , he knew very well that even his contemporary reputation in large part rested on it : that , and the last three of the Four Quartets , he told Ezra Pound , had been worth writing .
7 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
8 But while Tony Lesser is once again listing the Treasury 's objections to the topics Jane and I have proposed for discussion papers , a picture suddenly comes into my mind , with the most painful vividness , of Summerchild dragging himself across the hard wet ground , on the morning of June 24th 1974 , to the locked gates of that yard behind the Admiralty .
9 The immigration appeal tribunal said the onus was on an applicant to bring himself within the specific immigration rule , and if he was unable or unwilling to do so he could not expect to succeed .
10 His willingness to prostitute himself to the worst instincts of the electorate makes Neil Kinnock look like a beacon of moral and political rectitude .
11 Even Hermsprong ( 1796 ) , one of the first political novels , whose eponymous hero models himself on the noble savage , confines itself to great houses or to those that emulate them , while the savage himself , in true romance tradition , turns out to be an aristocrat , and the rightful heir to his wicked uncle 's estate .
12 The old man swayed gently on his haunches , then , as the boy threw himself to the left , moved effortlessly across , fending off the child with his palms , using the least force possible to achieve his end .
13 The Careys were also in attendance : Lady Carey glowered whilst her husband busied himself at the far end of the room , totally ignoring our existence .
14 More than one Gaullist found himself in the difficult situation of having to give de Gaulle a lecture in Gaullism .
15 GARY MASON , whose avowed game plan is meet the world heavyweight champion , Mike Tyson , sometime in 1991 , last night found himself in the nearest thing to a test against that granite-hard fighter that his supporters could hope to imagine .
16 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
17 Cinema manager grooms himself before the main feature
18 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
19 Genet reinscribes himself within the violent hierarchies of his oppression , installing himself there relentlessly to invert and pervert them .
20 The student positions himself with the right foot forward , and the body weight evenly distributed .
21 It was a huge relief to find himself in the big bedroom with its heavy mahogany furniture .
22 One of the notable ways in which the Spirit expressed himself in the Christian community was through creating unity .
23 He felt no call to entangle himself in the ecclesiastical-political questions of his day .
24 In his farewell remarks at Speech Day , the Headmaster confined himself to the past 25 years , comparing 1937 — when there were six Old Stopfordians at Oxford and two at Cambridge — with the present , when there were 22 and 15 respectively .
25 This one man set himself above the bloody incident in the snow and the yelping sound of the siren .
26 Friends on the ground watched in horror as he was towed along for 20 seconds before managing to pull an emergency handle to free himself from the snagged chute .
27 Paul Way found himself on the receiving end of a £100 fine for a breach of the P.G.A .
28 In the case of surveys there will always be some form of pilot survey before the researcher commits himself to the main fieldwork itself , and the more planning there is done beforehand , the less wasted time there will be in the fieldwork proper , and the easier will be the next stage , which is the analysis of the data collected .
29 In the other match , Jonathan Speelman claimed a time-out , taking a break in order to think himself into the right frame of mind to fight his way back into the match .
30 I seem to remember several cases in which the court considered to what extent the solicitor involves himself in the financial arrangements for a conveyancing transaction .
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