Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] at [art] top " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They know that if they lose this one , then a gap opens up at the top .
2 But throughout the verbal onslaught of 152 days of intense and heated debate , one simple question remained firmly at the top of the agenda : whether nuclear power would be cheaper than other potential sources of electricity .
3 And the tall tree arched over at the top in a graceful curve like a shepherd 's crook , as if it were looking down to admire itself .
4 On the kitchen landing , the dog sat staunchly at the top of the stairs , blocking her way with its back to her , apparently sunk in thought .
5 Thomas Hardy described ‘ the Bollard ’ as ‘ the cliff rounded off at the top in vegetation like a forehead with low-grown hair ’ .
6 Oh , we 're sure they were but er this was the thing with a private collier company where you had er a sort of , not quite chairman , of the colliery sitting there at the top o in the office , watching everybody come and go .
7 There she was out in the street in 'er nightshift shoutin' out at the top of 'er voice . ’
8 The green fire jiggled politely at the top of the stairs .
9 The orchard thinned out at the top of the slope where we had started to dig our slit trenches .
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