Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [verb] the [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 That is because the stiffness of the card helps to control the increased amount of pressed material being used .
2 Of the six methods , tachistoscopic half-field presentation and dichotic listening have generated the largest amount of research .
3 To be equivalent to this , an investment in a two-year bond has to yield the same amount , implying that the current two-year rate is rs 2 = 7 per cent : 100(1.07) 2 = 114.49 .
4 A gate closed the road until the toll-house keeper had collected the due amount from each vehicle passing in either direction .
5 When the mashing has absorbed the maximum amount of sugar , the liquid — now known as wort — is run off through the slotted base of the vessel .
6 Moving seemed to require the same amount of breath as before , which was to say more than could be easily provided .
7 For instance , there was no prescription charge for diabetes sufferers although people with cystic fibrosis had to pay the full amount for their drugs .
8 The Bonn-based German Consumer Initiative claims that the scheme 's criteria are based too much on financial grounds , and are misleading to the consumer , while the KIMM group in Cologne , which campaigns against waste incineration , argues that the system fails to reduce the total amount of rubbish generated , and ignores the potential of re-usable packaging .
9 Looking at the world 's 20 million bedrooms , he also estimates that replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents would not only save two thirds of the energy needed to produce the same amount of light but would , over the 5–10 year lifespan of the compact , keep out of the atmosphere 100 million tons of CO2 .
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