Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [verb] support for the " in BNC.

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1 Walker ( 1982 ) comments that in this formulation community care implies support for the person by their friends , family and neighbours ; an emphasis upon non-institutional forms of care , the provision of domiciliary statutory services and appropriate measures to prevent ( re- ) admission to institutional forms of care .
2 At the end of January an opinion poll showed support for the war at less than 30 per cent .
3 With opinion polls showing support for the party at its lowest mid-term level for decades , the common belief is not that the Government is out-of-touch or seen as tired and uncaring , but that it has n't gone far enough .
4 Conversely , Trade Indemnity maintained support for the Mirror Group , whose PAS-score trajectory shows it to be financially sound .
5 Industrialists , traders and trade unions expressed support for the move , but the left-wing nationalist Democratic Revolutionary Party ( PAD ) described it as " unnecessary " .
6 Ask Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Manman/X business information system to include support for the Oracle database and says it has signed a worldwide pact with Oracle Systems Corp to become an Oracle Business Alliance Partner : the two will continue to offer their respective products directly to mutual customers , and maintain separate but co-ordinated support staffs .
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