Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [not/n't] believe for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do not believe for a moment that , with unemployment heading towards three million , the benefits would be significantly dissipated by higher inflation , any more than were the benefits of depreciation in the early 1980s .
2 I do not believe for a moment that in the future we shall allow millions of our fellow-countrymen , through no fault of their own , to pass through life ill-housed , ill-clothed , ill-fed , ill-educated .
3 ‘ You can be certain they hope for that but I do n't believe for a moment they expect it .
4 I do n't believe for a minute that you have no intention of making love to me .
5 You do n't believe for a minute that this government will stand by while the two biggest general unions get together , no way , they 'll attack us in any way they can and I warn ya they have n't run out of ideas yet .
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