Example sentences of "[pers pn] were making a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You were making a good point there .
2 ‘ I told you you were making a big mistake . ’
3 Where once you were making a conscious effort to cast long and accurately and were aware of the amount of punch you needed to put into the strike , you will find that with experience you begin to do these things quite naturally .
4 erm if people are restored to confidence , feel that they are able to travel , that of course reduces the number of people who are going to stay in this country and have their holidays here , and Stan , if I can come back to you , I mean we it is almost arguing against the point that you were making a few moments ago that , you know , you want people to stay in this country .
5 ‘ By the end of the third month we were making a slight profit .
6 Somebody said , did it mean we were making a big profit ?
7 They were making a great game of it .
8 She hurried outside and hastily picked a bunch of them , and within a short time they were making a pleasing addition to the table .
9 But she was sensitive enough to let those at the Mill believe that they were making a competitive offer .
10 They were making a slow circuit of the farmhouse and its barn , a lean-to of roughly dressed timber made dark and smooth with age .
11 He said that they were making a positive contribution , not only to the quality of life , but also to the prosperity of the nation , because without chemistry life on earth would be more miserable , more painful and certainly shorter .
12 He had never physically hurt her , although there had been more than one occasion towards the end of their short , fraught marriage when he had looked as if he were making a huge effort to stop himself raising a hand to her .
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