Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [prep] the process of " in BNC.

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1 As part of the process of writing from the very beginning , and writing in small steps , from the first day you should write down , and keep available , notes consisting of a few sentences on each of the following : ( a ) the essay 's hypothesis ( the claim it is interested in exploring ) ; ( b ) the evidence or data you are going to use ( the facts , quotes , parallel cases from other texts , etc. , that you are in the process of collecting ) ; ( c ) brief statements of your ideas so far ; ( d ) in the case of a longer dissertation , the preliminary results of a " literature search " ( a survey of bibliographies to find things to read ) .
2 We are in the process of drawing up the seedings and groupings of the various qualifying rounds , ’ said tournament director Brian Skirrow .
3 Mace declined to comment , other than to say that ‘ we are in the process of trying to figure out how to set up a separate company . ’
4 Mace declined to comment other than to say that ‘ we are in the process of trying to figure out how to set up a separate company . ’
5 The company is currently afforded an overdraft facility of £107,000 and we are in the process of agreeing to increase this facility in the near future to £135,000 .
6 Then , using Lemma 3 , we have for general P , Q , R : unc Now because the few elements F of the first set which are not of the form unc are easily proved ( using the laws ) equivalent to ones that are , using the laws , e.g. unc By our assumption that the result holds for finite processes this in turn is equal to unc Since we are in the process of setting up powerful machinery for dealing with finite programs ( for example Theorem 1 ) there are advantages in only having to prove new laws for them .
7 We are in the process of defining new plans which will also cover any changes needed to reflect market developments and continuing competitive pressures .
8 Completion of a certificate will give students a half credit towards a master 's degree and we are in the process of developing a half-credit MA module on Research Methods to complement this .
9 We know that there are more of goods wagons which we are in the process of securing .
10 In case the hon. Gentleman has not noticed , we are in the process of replacing the poll tax .
11 We have , however , been somewhat haphazard in our plans in that we have not progressed all of the key issues in parallel and we are in the process of preparing detailed quarry plans for each location progressing estate issues , planning requirements , confirming geological and hydro geological aspects and setting all of this against market requirements .
12 Er Mr also commented om the er consideration of the er emerging alteration and increase in Selby District 's allocation from ten thousand to eleven and a half thousand dwellings erm and I would like to assure him now that we have completed out local plan studies , we are in the process of fine tuning them and and I 'm quite confident that we will be able to accommodate the eleven and a half thousand dwellings .
13 And so we , we are in the process of setting up an online database computerized which would be accessible by not just branches , but individual erm health and safety reps for a fairly minimal affiliation which will tap into the latest information which will be updated er every three months and we feel that again that 's something in conjunction with , clearly with the unions in the city something that a trades council should be doing , something that raises our profile , explains to people what trade councils , what the trade union movement is all about and does it effectively using modern techniques and modern methods .
14 He never talks to players when they are in the process of playing a shot …
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