Example sentences of "[pers pn] was [adj] believe that [det] " in BNC.

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1 On a raw spring day at Shingle Street last week , it was easy to believe that this tiny hamlet held some great mystery .
2 It was safer to believe that all women were opportunists and all friends traitors .
3 The damaged vegetation grew back very quickly in the following months , and by the end of 1992 it was difficult to believe that such a wide swathe had originally been bulldozed .
4 It was difficult to believe that these birds had been harvested for food on Mykines for generations , or to argue against the Faroese claim that the strict regulations which apply to the fowling are designed to ensure that the population numbers are not adversely affected .
5 As I looked down at him lying there it was difficult to believe that this was Shimi Lovat .
6 In some cases they may explode or manage to throw off enough matter to reduce their mass below the limit and so avoid catastrophic gravitational collapse , but it was difficult to believe that this always happened , no matter how big the star .
7 It was hard to believe that this clumsy box of bricks was strong enough to withstand the pressure of its wings .
8 It was hard to believe that this was actually happening ; harder still to accept that she could n't do anything about it .
9 It was hard to believe that this generously smiling woman was the same predatory creature she 'd been watching just a moment ago — but the image she had seen was seared in her brain , and suddenly she knew there was no way in the world that she could allow this woman to be a mother to Kirsty .
10 It was hard to believe that most of these islands were populated and we often caught glimpses of island ferries plying industriously between lonely rockbound piers .
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