Example sentences of "[pers pn] had be working [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had been working as a dai ( midwife ) for the Government since 1974 , but I resigned when they stopped paying my salary and only paid me if I brought in patients to be sterilized .
2 ‘ Before the student demonstrations I had been working with a group of Latin American intellectuals in Paris , helping bring out a magazine .
3 I had been working for the Countess as a personal assistant since she married the Earl in 1976 .
4 She had been working at the Hopeland missionary camp , helping educate teenage boys .
5 Edith Thomas was married at seventeen : she had been working as a barmaid at the Miner 's Arms and she was married from there .
6 They had been working about a mile along a blind underground roadway , ending at what is due to be a new coal face , when the roof fell in 500 yards behind them .
7 Other European countries said that the new British Government would be positive and co-operative and would put forward proposals for bringing about the completion of the European Community , for which they had been working for the past 40 years .
8 Mr Siddle , of Hesleden Avenue , Acklam , Middlesbrough , said they had been working on the operation the previous day and the pipe kept jamming when attempts were made to slot it into place .
9 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
10 A site has yet to be secured — although the Mountain View , California-based company said it had been working on the plans for some 18 months — and a choice will be announced within 60 days , according to Sun 's chief financial officer , Kevin Melia .
11 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck speaking in New Delhi on his arrival in India on Sept. 9 for a four-day official visit , said that he did not consider a monarchy to be the best system of government and that he had been working towards the greater democratization of his country .
12 When Robert Burrows first became a Christian he had been working on a banana plantation , but some time after his conversion a Salvationist family gave him work on their dairy farm .
13 He had been working on a new series for BBC Radio 2 which is due to be broadcast next spring .
14 He was surprised all the same ; he had been working on a case which , while not exactly undercover , was one demanding some secrecy .
15 After all , he had been working on the theory for twenty years , and did not want to see himself scooped by an outsider .
16 Local people said he had been working on the site for two years and was very popular with them .
17 He had been working with the police all along !
18 He had been working at the Council depot as an attendant when Joe offered him the job , and he had been very pleased to make the change .
19 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
20 ‘ Nutrition , ’ John said , after he had been working for a short time .
21 The case of Kenneth Littlejohn had been prominent in the news during the year and they had the impression that he had been working for the Home Office .
22 He had been working for the Cyrenians at an annex to the Simon House Hostel for the Homeless in Rectory Road Oxford .
23 There were gulls flying and calling , but I had not disturbed the main colony , and I thought that I would have heard if he had been working below the cliffs at the north-west point .
24 He had been working since the 1820s on his theory that ‘ grand geometrical lines ’ had been laid out in ancient times across the country and that these were indicated by old boundaries and markers .
25 All this time he had been working like a madman , limping about overseeing the repairs and helping in spite of his own wounds wherever his strength was needed .
26 He had been working in a shop known as the coal bunker when the two assassins burst in , one carrying a shotgun .
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