Example sentences of "[pers pn] turned [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I turned to go into the house , made with great difficulty the three or four steps that separated me from my room , and felt my arms and legs burning , also my body .
2 I turned to go out the way I had come .
3 One time when I turned to check on the arrow on the tree , I could n't see it .
4 It was n't the wind that brought tears to my eyes as I turned to walk along the cliff path .
5 Trench came up to me as I turned to walk down the corridor again .
6 I turned to look through the windows .
7 With a little cry of distress she turned to flee from the room , but got no further than a couple of steps when Luke caught her .
8 She turned to gaze at the man who 'd approached silently and stood a little behind her on her left .
9 Then she turned to look at the Frenchman and spoke softly in his language .
10 She turned to look at the registrar as he strode smiling into the room , and her bemused expression must have registered .
11 She turned to look towards the shore , relieved when she saw the Sea-Fret making good headway back to Brides Haven , then a flock of screaming gulls startled her into resuming her climb , and soon she was on the Neck and starting the last , steep push towards the plateau .
12 And just as impulsively she turned to check on the movements of that incalculable swarm of half-grown children who were causing him this natural anxiety .
13 She turned to walk to the weighing room .
14 She turned to sign for the gear , and ran her eye over the other signatures on the page .
15 She turned to rush up the stairs but he caught her wrist .
16 Whenever these arguments showed signs of running out of steam , we turned to complain about the inadequacy of the supporting papers .
17 As he turned to return down the steps he was thinking of Carrie once more and not taking care where he was stepping .
18 He turned to look into the valley , saw the helicopter break its position and race away as soon as he was safe .
19 His arm was grabbed , and he turned to look into the blonde 's entranced eyes .
20 He turned to look at the clock .
21 Behind him a car passed and he turned to look at the occupants .
22 And at that moment , as he turned to look at the girl again with a glint of admiration in his eyes , Ronni was aware of a reaction deep inside her .
23 He turned to look at the trees , but they were bare .
24 He turned to look across the clunch field to the distant row of houses , their yellow brick walls and mean square windows now plainly visible .
25 From time to time he turned to shout at the girl behind him .
26 Shaking his head sadly at the stark scene he turned to head for the Zoo 's exit .
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