Example sentences of "[pers pn] shall be [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall be attending all day ( open classes , lunch and AGM )
2 ‘ If you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know ’ , wrote Francis Bacon , ‘ you shall be thought another time , to know that you know not . ’
3 ‘ We are virtually prisoners here , my brother and I. Once we are confined in the Garden Tower and Denby is banished from our service , I fear we shall be denied all contact with the outside world .
4 This matter must be clarified before any further consideration of the bill can be contemplated in the Commons and we shall be demanding such clarification from the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary . ’
5 We shall be discussing that matter in a short while .
6 We shall be discussing these views at length in the following chapter .
7 We shall be discussing these matters throughout the chapter .
8 In this chapter we shall be considering some ideas which inform the design and purpose of social surveys ; we shall also say something about their origins and their applications .
9 Next week we shall be taking another look at education , and in particular comprehensive schools .
10 We shall be given all manner of reasons why there should not be a top salary review , or whatever it is called since the former Prime Minister tore up the negotiating arrangements for the civil service .
11 We shall be seeing some comparisons of developments with controlled and uncontrolled disturbances in Figs 18.9–18.12 .
12 But this is the nothing like finished but quite soon , in the next couple of weeks , we shall be putting some windows in here with shutters .
13 As in previous years , we shall be making some changes to reflect readers ' comments .
14 We shall be investigating this incident fully .
15 The Regional Resource Centre at Exeter University Institute of Education hopes to build further upon the network possibilities in this respect , making the teachers ' centres the teacher-entry points to an informal organization of schools , colleges , polytechnics , the university and other agencies , including individuals in the community ( Walton and Ruck 1975 ) , and we shall be examining such possibilities in closer detail in a later chapter .
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