Example sentences of "[pers pn] to go [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
2 The rest had followed Hazel when he roused them and , without explanation , told them to go quickly outside the barn .
3 ‘ For , ’ she put down , ‘ I want to go there as humble McAllister who keeps the house clean , dressed the doll and made and embroidered the baby clothes , not as the American Princess doing the gracious , ladling our Papa 's money , not one penny of which I have earned , smiling and patronising those not so fortunate as myself , and then leaving them to go home to the embassy — to forget them ! ’
4 You 're preparing me to go out into the street , but I still have to go back to the system first .
5 Of course the Captain forbade me to go anywhere near the place again .
6 So then it was up to me to go back to the script and find what I could to give me a lead .
7 My mother wanted me to go down to the bungalow with them and because I wanted — I wanted our relations to improve — well , I said I would . ’
8 ‘ Does Faye … or Dr Greene … want me to go in to the hospital ? ’
9 Remember Ah asked ye to go slowly at the start ?
10 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
11 He wants you to go up to the villa . ’
12 This is an important skill which helps you to go faster on the reach .
13 The young man know as Sandro appeared at the house and his parents said ‘ we do n't want you to go back to the Hare Krishna movement ’ .
14 ‘ I want you to go back to the house and telephone the Incident Room .
15 ‘ What on earth possessed you to go down to the sea ? ’ asked Mrs Ridley .
16 " Did Comrade Andrew tell you to go down to the picket ?
17 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
18 A year ago Nicky , Rob 's girlfriend of about eight months convinced him to go back to the ice pack that nearly killed him .
19 I 'm an Army officer and all I want to do is persuade him to go back to the Army . ’
20 To get him to go out to the Lock with her , Marie had told Simon all sorts of lies .
21 He 'd been shaken , certainly , when Cedric Downes had invited him to go along to the North Oxford Golf Club and knock up the caretaker if necessary .
22 They all turned towards her when she entered and way was made for her to go up to the counter .
23 They would n't be expecting her to go further into the lion 's den .
24 He wanted her to go down to the river with him .
25 After a long session trying on clothes , she was walking out with her purchases when a man tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to go back into the shop .
26 Hundreds of residents of the Woolston area , the local parish council and the borough council oppose the gipsy camp plan but Cheshire wants it to go ahead on the site , off Manchester Road , near the junction with the M6 .
27 You wanted it to go out in the summer
28 I got sick of this , so I brought an old alarm clock and hung it around my neck and set it to go off at the moment he walked in one day .
29 You know why she did n't want us to go up into the bathroom ?
30 so , we went into Morecambe and he asked us to go back in the farm again with this ladder
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