Example sentences of "[pers pn] looked [adv] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when I looked again at the taut group riveted to the game , now not even speaking , I had my doubts .
2 I looked round the room , then I looked again at the old man .
3 I looked again at the little cat .
4 As I approached I looked wonderingly at the slight figure with the soft fairish hair falling over his brow , at the holed cardigan and muck-encrusted wellingtons .
5 I looked apprehensively at the five operating-type tables spaced far from each other round the wide tiled room .
6 I looked doubtfully at the rickety structure of planks and corrugated iron .
7 But if you looked carefully at the left-hand side , where there was a glass-enclosed porch , you might have noticed a few little birds flying around , the odd flash and flitter of coloured wings .
8 She looked nervously at the western sky , tumultuous with dark clouds that had so hastened the dusk that the first lamps were already being lit in the city 's archways and windows .
9 She looked carefully at the grey branches .
10 Her hands , like claws , clutched her cup and she looked sorrowfully at the lukewarm tea .
11 She looked again at the rear-view mirror and saw that the Audi was turning into a side road , allowing her to go .
12 She looked again at the small girl with bright eyes standing beside her desk so sensible and solemn .
13 She looked again at the tiny hut .
14 She looked steadily at the other two and was very firm .
15 She looked across at the half-hidden walking stick again .
16 Then she looked across at the silent lawyer .
17 Mesmerised by the heat rising from the hard earth and stones of the road , she looked numbly at the blue and white chipped plates .
18 She looked pointedly at the front curve of his new olive-green Shetland jersey .
19 She looked pointedly at the busy hands .
20 And the suggestion to this Committee was that it looked , that it looked further at the five hundred thousand pounds guideline that 's been set to address the apparent shortfall on community care funding , and also that you should look at further service reductions and their implications erm , of reductions of a further two hundred and fifty thousand , and those are again picked up later in the paper .
21 He looked curiously at the two girls .
22 He looked carefully at the little black notes on their thin black lines .
23 He looked pensively at the topmost one again , and summoned his chief of spies .
24 He looked away at the dense thicket where the three hounds were working .
25 Now he looked again at the two betting-slips that lay on the table in front of him ; then turned to the back of the Business section for the Sport , his eye running down the results of the previous day 's racing at Fontwell Park .
26 On his way he passed the church , where he looked closely at the old tower door .
27 He looked unseeingly at the beautiful face across the table , hearing the echo of his quarrel with Francesca , feeling his mind still chuntering on in justification of the anger that had led him to cut off all possibility of their holiday next week .
28 He looked sidelong at the black box , half expecting it to explode or emit strange musical tones .
29 He looked vaguely at the little stream running beside the road .
30 He looked across at the other two , who were laughing and taking a long time to get Maggie 's drink .
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