Example sentences of "[pers pn] stand [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I stand listening for a moment — crying could ruin everything — but there 's only the rhythmic suck-suck , suck-suck , suck-suck as it breathes and sucks on the medicine .
2 I stood looking at the pools of water lying on the pitch , the door of the directors ' Portakabin swinging back and forth on its one remaining hinge , and I recalled the good times , remembered the bad .
3 I stood thinking at the door .
4 I stood leaning on the staff , grinning and throwing an arm in the air as he approached , but he and his companion never so much as looked as they sped back to Adrar .
5 As I stood hesitating in the doorway , Miss Kenton appeared at my side and said : ‘ Mr Stevens , I have a little more time than you at the moment .
6 The piste disappeared and I stood lost in a maze of tyre-tracks , which shot in every direction .
7 I stood staring at the jeep as it bumped and swayed over the uneven ground of the orchard until it reached the road and then disappeared in a cloud of dust .
8 I stood rooted to the stone floor .
9 The cap badge with its St Andrew 's Cross split in two brought a lump to my throat as I stood rooted to the spot .
10 I stood frozen to the spot unable to do anything ; I could see soldiers diving for cover ; the Frenchman who was coming towards me with a smile on his bearded face was now lying on the ground .
11 The bus was cosy and , as I stood dangling from a strap with the other excess passengers , someone asked the driver if Hampstead Road was still closed off to traffic going north .
12 Just when the hero really needs the girl 's help , she stands revealed as a killer with a long history of leading enslaved men to destruction , a siren wrapped in furs and degeneracy , venom in her veins , murder in her mind …
13 If he does n't you stand warned of the type of person you are dealing with and should act accordingly .
14 She stood poised for a moment , stretched her mouth wide , licked her lips , moved her shoulders from side to side , then let her body sway , waited for the chorus to finish and the verse to start and she went on .
15 Far beyond the point at which the mud became treacherous and from which Small Gains had never risen again , she stood poised on the handlebars of a sunken bicycle .
16 By the garden gate of Four Winds she stood looking at the house for several minutes in silence before they got back into the car and she told him how to get to the Inn on the Point .
17 When she came in she stood looking at the figure stretched out on the floor .
18 She was breathing too hard , too noisily she stood looking into a window to slow her breath .
19 She stood looking towards the balcony and beyond it the sea .
20 She stood looking in the window , then gave a little sigh .
21 Then , instead of running over the main road to our street , she stood waving for a bit and then walked backwards down the post part and started going up someone 's drive .
22 At the top she stood leaning against the wall ; her breathing had become strange .
23 I seem to remember , Bill , way back in 1979 during the election campaign , Margaret Thatcher had a small calf pressed upon her , which she stood holding in a field in East Anglia or something , so I mean it 's not just erm John Major .
24 She knew as she waited for Reception to ring her back that it could well be , if Cara had been in touch with her parents , that she stood to come off the phone feeling worse than ever .
25 But she stood frozen to the spot , a rabbit caught in a white light , a moth caught in its destiny with a flame .
26 As she stood waiting for a taxi a speeding car appeared out of the freezing fog .
27 She stood rooted to the sidewalk , her mind a whirl of dislike .
28 She stood rooted to the spot , staring back at him as though hypnotized , watching the skin of his face slowly tauten across his cheekbones .
29 The blood ran cold in Rory 's veins as she stood rooted to the spot in horror .
30 She ordered herself to leave , to walk up to her cabin , but she stood rooted to the spot as he came down the stairs towards her .
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