Example sentences of "[pers pn] have gone [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She came for it soon after you 'd gone off to t' farm , ’ Aunt Nellie explained .
2 She 'd gone down to the seashore with the dogs and there he 'd been , following her .
3 When the laundry maid had told her he had been married , she had gone up to the high moors and wept .
4 After buying fresh bread she had gone on to the fish market where boxes full of melting ice displayed what was left of the morning 's catch , much of which she did n't recognise .
5 She 'd heard of an opening for a showroom model at one of the better fashion houses on the Via Monte-napoleone ; despite the agency 's insistence on scouting all jobs itself , she had gone around to the house and applied for the position herself , listing International Models as representing her .
6 In this case , sometime before we reached Ixyphal , she had gone back to the storage and cargo area to look at the sculpture again , murmuring things like ’ masterpiece ’ and ’ magnificent ’ and the usual art-appreciation noises that people murmur .
7 She had gone out to the Windmill for ale while he contented himself in the kitchen .
8 She had gone out to the drug store to get a bottle of milk for Maria 's bedtime cocoa , and when she got back to the suite , Bernie was in her section taking off Maria 's dress .
9 So he turned away from the mirror and walked towards the weak sunlight ; she had gone out to the balcony , it was warm in the September sunshine .
10 After her abortive attempt to break into journalism , she had gone down to the beach , flung off her dress , and plunged into the water at Backyards .
11 I you see you 're not exceeding what the government is establishing as your target level , you 're falling short of that , and that means that some people will not get services that they would get if you had gone up to the level .
12 I thought oh no , she 's gone on to a vegan diet .
13 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
14 We 'd gone down to the Net , the day it happened .
15 She said , do you know she said we 'd gone off to the woods and I suddenly remembered I 'd left my purse in the car .
16 You get wet , sweaty , but there 's nothing to dry the sweat off , not sweating and drying off , so they feel clammy , okay , so we 've looked at their colour and we 've felt their skin and we 've felt that it 's horrible and clammy and cold , what about their pulse , we 've gone down to the pulse now
17 We 've gone back to the old gods , in defiance to the Church . ’
18 The big improvement with the council tax is that we 've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for those classified on low income .
19 You 'd better keep your mouth shut , by the way , after we 've gone back to the department .
20 we 've gone back to the others though now yes , we get
21 What if the Thou has gone over to the She : are the two then at the same level of estrangement from the I ?
22 Last year of course they did superbly , they beat Southend who were then in the fourth division , and look what 's happened to them , they 've gone up to the third division .
23 It is er as I see it they 've gone back to the drawing board with where the bands are actually how it 's banded .
24 After they had deposited their bags at the hotel , itself ramshackle and run-down , they had gone on to the hospital .
25 Hypnotists working for the police ask an individual , most commonly a witness or a victim , to imagine that he has gone back to the time of the crime .
26 No , he 'd gone up to the traffic lights and this cyclist sort of like cycled up , jumped off his bike and wheeled it round the corner so he
27 He 'd gone over to the hedge that ran along each side of the white lodge and he 'd sat down .
28 and he was let out and first , within twenty four hours he 'd gone down to the South Coast and killed his mother and his girl friend
29 He liked his porter , but if he 'd gone back to the stable …
30 When he had gone through to the bedroom , tired , shaking , cold , she stripped herself of all the finery — fighting with clasps , pushing and twisting rings .
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