Example sentences of "[pers pn] be recognised that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
2 3.4 It is recognised that the skills involved in physical restraint and self-defence are alien to many workers .
3 Much has been written on the topic of occupational health and hygiene and it is recognised that the provision of an adequate and tolerable physical working environment and the promotion of a general feeling of well being among the workforce , is not only important in preventing occupational disease , but in the prevention of accidents .
4 5.8.2 Immediately to repair cleanse maintain and paint the Premises as required by such notice [ 5.8.3 If within [ one month ] of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within [ 2 ] months [ or if in the Landlord 's [ Surveyor 's ] [ reasonable ] opinion the Tenant is unlikely to have completed the work within such period ] to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the cost of so doing and all expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including legal costs and Surveyor 's fees ) within [ 14 ] days of a written demand ] While it is recognised that the landlord should have the right to enter the premises from time to time to ensure that the tenant 's covenants have been complied with , this clause could cause severe disruption to the tenant 's business and should be amended accordingly .
5 It is recognised that the position on this issue is not always clear cut .
6 It is recognised that the levels of understanding , practice and responsibility for risk issues vary widely .
7 It is recognised that the ENP will refer to a doctor as necessary .
8 Increasingly it is recognised that the role of management is of crucial importance in securing motivation and morale .
9 While it is recognised that the professor will probably wish to give lectures and classes in areas connected with his or her own field of research , he or she will be expected to cover a somewhat wider range of topics , as required by undergraduate and graduate courses in Roman Archaeology .
10 It is recognised that the model of Attainment Targets , Strands and Levels , offers a well-structured instrument capable of providing progression and continuity within a spiral curriculum plan .
11 Although in three cases it was recognised that the operation was technically unsatisfactory and early rebleeding was encountered in each case , in the rest there appeared to be no obvious explanation for these surgical failures .
12 The buyer was going to re-sell the goods and it was recognised that the buyer 's sub-purchaser would test the weight and thus ascertain the precise sum to be paid to the seller .
13 Very few disputed the value of effective public relations , but it was recognised that the level of activity of 1989–91 could not be sustained nor justified .
14 However , given the long lead-times in manufacture and construction , it was recognised that the standardisation could only have an effect in the forward programmes for 1950 onwards .
15 This was done not without trepidation , for the experience of preparing and presenting a proposal for external validation was new to the College and it was recognised that the development of the proposals , and subsequently of the course , in the very limited time scale necessitated by the speed of the Programme , would create major workload problems .
16 It was recognised that the vagaries of the weather make pre-selection of a period for a close-down impossible . ’
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