Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] be found [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Under permanently wet conditions , small mammal bone becomes soft and easily broken , and it has been found that small mammal bones preserved in wet caves become extensively broken , whereas in dry caves they are better preserved , but other factors may also modify such an assemblage .
2 It has been found that well-informed patients are less anxious and the nurse can help by explaining what is likely to happen in the pre- , peri- and post-Operative periods .
3 It has been found that all of the women researchers who completed theses under their own names subsequently published under these names .
4 It has been found that all of the women researchers who completed theses under their own names subsequently published under these names .
5 For Sp1 , it has been found that multiple phosphorylation events generate a large number of electrophoretic variants of the protein ( 4 ) .
6 It has been found that regular use of some 2 in 1 's can cause ingredients to build up on the hair shaft which may affect the results of a perm or colour .
7 From a practical viewpoint , it has been found that Eucalyptus deglupta becomes established best in enrichment sites rather than after clearing or burning , apparently because of greater nitrogen availability in the unburnt system .
8 More recently , however , it has been found that bright light at other times of the day — in the evening , which also mimics the light in summer-time , and at noon , which does not lengthen daylight hours — has an effect also .
9 In reviewing some of them in this book , it has been found that several complicating features arise , beside the straightforward failings of human beings wishing to pigeon-hole phenomena or experiences into neat categories : ‘ strategies ’ or ‘ syndromes ’ with classical-sounding names .
10 It has been found that this form of conditioning can occur much more rapidly if the response prevents unpleasant stimuli occurring or stops them once they have started .
11 As we saw in this chapter , more recently it has been found that this account of processing can not be correct for at least three reasons : ( a ) there is evidence that syntactic and semantic processing is not delayed until the end of the clause ; ( b ) there is evidence that information about the specific wording is retained after the end of a clause if that clause contains nonspecific words which subsequent clauses will disambiguate ; ( c ) specific wording will also be retained if it has pragmatic significance .
12 For example , it has been found that some striking perceptual differences in viewing a wire-frame cube ( including , for example , the ease with which certain mental images can be formed of it ) depend on which alternative structural description of the object is assigned to it by the perceiver ( Hinton 1979 ) .
13 Recently it has been found that those old people who either have pets of their own or who have access to animals are often actually healthier — and are certainly happier — than those who have no such contact .
14 It has been found that ninety-eight per cent of young adults ( with normal hearing ) in a sound-proof room can ‘ hear something ’ , mostly the sound of steam or a ringing noise .
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