Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [vb pp] [adv] far [subord] " in BNC.

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1 By ten I 'd crawled as far as the door .
2 I 'd got as far as the top step on that flight when the phone went again .
3 A few minutes later , when she 'd got as far as wrapping herself in her host 's dressing-gown , Penry Vaughan knocked loudly on the door .
4 She knew she had gone too far when his eyes narrowed to glittering blue slits .
5 When Edmund had left her she had wandered as far as the orchard , and had just pushed aside the crooked wicker gate to re-enter the garden when she heard the latch of the heavier postern rattle .
6 She had got as far as pulling out her suitcase , which looked scruffier than ever now that her eyes had accustomed themselves to the comfortable luxury of Luke Hunter 's flat , and laying it open on the bed before something inside her rebelled .
7 When I saw it the other night , tucked inside the cello part of one of the piano trios we play , she had got as far as ‘ State 7 — Moderate Gale : Intervals of laughter .
8 She had driven as far as she could and now stopped the car .
9 But it was the enemy 's country , an enemy whom we had fought so far as one might fight an armed man in a dark room .
10 By the time he got to his cab , they had gone as far as Holborn Circus .
11 Passing lamp-lit windows through which they could see sleeping Japanese soldiers and men talking in small groups , they had gone as far as a machine-gun post among the buildings — probably part of the anti-aircraft defences-when a Japanese soldier came up .
12 Duncan looked at Myeloski ; they had gone as far as they could with the air-traffic controller .
13 Indeed they had gone so far as to bring one Nicoleyva , from the Soviet Union to plead with British men and women to do just this , and open a second front in Europe .
14 They had spread as far as he could see , grown up to the ceiling and broken through it .
15 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
16 Western Turkey and Sicily were initially affected , but by 1348 it had spread as far as Spain and Morocco .
17 North once told Secord that he had gone so far as to mention to the President that the Ayatollah was helping the contras .
18 He felt he had gone as far as he could in the company and learned as much as he was likely to .
19 She asked whether he had gone as far as the well-pit and the El-ahrairah of Laburnum .
20 He had gone as far as he could go .
21 Hunt meant that no matter how well he now did , Niki had to do considerably less well than he had done so far if he , James , was going to have any chance to catch him .
22 He had got as far as the packaging and labelling them at his premises prior to taking them to the ship .
23 Perhaps he was looking for a drink by the time he had climbed as far as the Piazza where three renaissance palaces , a town hall and cathedral confront each other across an open space of such lively dignity and harmony as to make the lack of tourist cafes completely forgivable .
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