Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] stay [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I agreed to stay until the morning .
2 So I got to stay with the dogs and
3 ‘ When I have evenings off , I tend to stay in the club lurking in the shadows reading : I am disinclined to meet friends .
4 I expect to stay in the competition — Derry are favourites but Cup football all about shocks , ’ he warns .
5 ‘ I like the freedom of being able to decide , tonight for example , whether I want to stay in the flat or whether I want to go down to Gloucestershire .
6 I 'd stayed with the Puseys several times , and knew my way about the flat .
7 ‘ I suppose I came down on impulse , but as soon as I got here I wished I 'd stayed in the house .
8 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
9 In this respect it resembled another favourite hotel of mine , the Quirinale in Rome , where I like to stay in the room where Ronald Firbank died .
10 And I remember staying by the river and going netting for collect tadpoles and that
11 Or at least , some of you may have been ; I contrived to stay in the departure lounge for all these Angst -ridden travelogues , and I ca n't say I 'm busting a gut to catch up with any of them .
12 ‘ In the late afternoon , ’ wrote Evelyn Waugh in his diaries , ‘ I went to stay with the Betjemans in a lightless , stuffy , cold poky rectory among beechwoods overlooking Wantage . ’
13 If I had stayed on the pitch who knows what might have happened .
14 Please thank our friend for the thought , but I prefer to stay on the ground ’ .
15 The Hotel Manila has now been transformed into a Ramada Renaissance Hotel , with correspondingly high prices , so I prefer to stay at the Hotel Gaudi , still unspoilt , which has the advantage of being right opposite the enchanting Theatre Museum .
16 But I have stayed on the park for every day in our championship matches this season and I am confident I can last the full five days of the Test .
17 I have to stay below the surface , under control .
18 I wanted to stay at the party , have a good time , be with my friends , dance with Ryan … ’
19 Speaking in the bar of a five-star hotel in Marbella , Yasmin Gibson , a bit-part actress , said that even though her daughter Gemma was now in the care of the local authority , she planned to stay on the Costa del Sol until the end of her holiday in two weeks .
20 Fuel is needed if you want to stay in the air because the Epical engines consume fuel at an alarming rate .
21 If you want to stay in the village on a low income there is nowhere to rent or buy .
22 and if you ca n't stay in the east , you want to stay in the east of the city ?
23 Carole said that she always brought everything including the kitchen sink because she 'd stayed in the past in basecamps where there had n't even been enough mattresses to go round ; one in South Wales had been a wooden hut with gas lights and a fridge half a mile away .
24 ‘ Have you decided to stay at the Olive ? ’
25 If you decide to stay in the Dordogne with my mother I will stay too until Sunday evening .
26 If you choose to stay in the scheme , you may also share in its benefits — such as any additional increases that may be given .
27 Maybe you have visited Amsterdam and want to venture further afield , or perhaps you prefer to stay outside the city and just visit Amsterdam for a day excursion .
28 She started to wish that she had stayed at the table .
29 She had stayed at the baths a long time , probably getting a chill , but worst of all no-one would testify that the water in the pool had had a proper dose of chlorine .
30 She had stayed in the cellar for what she thought was about three days and then realised that she had n't felt the vibration of gunfire for some time , perhaps a day and a night .
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