Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] himself [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He did not allow himself many enjoyable things in life .
2 Jed 's idea of doing something special was to be allowed to help her out on the estate , almost as if he was afraid that he 'd find himself abandoned if he did n't make himself useful .
3 To this severe driving home of the issue in pursuit of crisis and clarity , Stavrogin might fairly reply that he did n't create himself lukewarm .
4 For the merest instant , some final , irreducible unit of desire , he had glimpsed a feeling , an urge within himself he had not imagined himself capable of , but now this tiny , standard piece of information , these few letters , had switched his hopes off like some cheap light bulb .
5 Hall said afterwards that he had not realized himself capable of such sustained accurate bowling , but kept at it simply because Worrell wanted him to ; he also said that he was physically and mentally shattered at the end of it .
6 He is only an ordinary Hobbit who came to own the Ring because he was given it and he does not consider himself great enough to do anything with it except destroy it .
7 He does n't consider himself squeamish .
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