Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] in the direction " in BNC.

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1 1.05pm — Having left Tony and his Mum at his appointment , I set off in the direction of the A4 .
2 I glanced back in the direction of the field where we saw the figures crossing .
3 Then I slide off in the direction of New Cross Station .
4 We moved off in the direction of the crossroads , the scene of yesterday 's action .
5 ‘ Do n't fancy marching in this heat , ’ remarked the driver as he started up the engine and we sped off in the direction of the Orne bridges .
6 They squelched off in the direction of Geoffrey 's rooms and a bottle of Rémy Martin .
7 Bridget murmured as they set off in the direction of Geoffrey 's rooms .
8 Particles moved up the beach by the breaking waves do so normal to the direction of approach of the waves , but they roll down in the direction of the steepest beach gradient .
9 They ran off in the direction of Northlands Road .
10 This does mean , of course , that there is no control over the model 's yaw axis ( rudder to you fixed-wing flyers ) during the descent , although the natural weathercock effect of the fuselage will keep it lined up in the direction of flight .
11 He headed off in the direction of the kitchen , and she made a feeble effort to straighten her leg , wincing in pain .
12 U-turning , he drove off in the direction of the distant city , without so much as another backward glance .
13 ‘ You 're not fucking likely to get that ! were Sid 's last words as he walked off in the direction of the latrine .
14 He went off in the direction of some green doors that bore the legend ‘ Narcissus Clothing ’ , muttering , ‘ That 'll do , that 'll do . ’
15 He went off in the direction of the river and the dark bulk of the flatboat .
16 Without waiting for Chuck he strode off in the direction taken by the herd , and halfway across the grassland he let out a roar and dropped to his knees .
17 He hurried back in the direction of the 17th .
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