Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] eyes to the " in BNC.

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1 Embarrassed , I dropped my eyes to the hymnsheet in front of me .
2 I opened my eyes to the sun riding high over Fair Hill .
3 I opened my eyes to the sound of yet more crashing of dustbin lids , gales of laughter and the occasional scream coming from behind the bushes .
4 And with an involuntary movement I raised my eyes to the sky — where God was — beseeching Him , wanting Him to see my fear and my contrition .
5 I returned my eyes to the axe .
6 But I keep my eyes to the front .
7 She dropped her eyes to the mug , unable to face his withering scorn .
8 She dropped her eyes to the tablecloth , suddenly confused and deeply ashamed of herself .
9 She dropped her eyes to the desk , staring unseeingly at the ledger lying on the polished wooden surface .
10 She raises her eyes to the wonder of its beauty , sometimes tilting her head as if listening to the music echoing round her .
11 She swivelled her eyes to the potatoes Léonie was fetching from their earthy resting-place on the larder floor .
12 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
13 She raised her eyes to the sky .
14 She raised her eyes to the weightless tons stacked above their heads .
15 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
16 Turmoil raged within her as she battled to find an answer to the seemingly insurmountable dilemma , and she raised her eyes to the grey skies as though a solution could be found there .
17 The music was amateurish and the performers self-conscious , but the evening was so beautiful that if you shut your eyes to the cars and the new shop blocks you might imagine yourself briefly in Shakespeare 's England .
18 She closed her eyes to the image , waiting to hear only the words and shut out the pain .
19 May we never become so worldly that we close our eyes to the miracle and mystery of life .
20 May we open our eyes to the problems in the world around us and may we do whatever we can to make other people 's lives happier .
21 As one , they raised their eyes to the ceiling .
22 She looked flirtatiously at Urquhart and held his gaze before he dropped his eyes to the table .
23 Yes , it opened my eyes to the plight of socialists and Labour Party members in England and to the fact that not all the English voted Tory , particularly in the north .
24 He opened his eyes to the quiet darkness , the moonlight , the breeze from the window that his helper had opened .
25 He followed her eyes to the sides of the room where there were huge tapestries depicting nymphs and shepherds playing in a landscape filled with trees and winding streams .
26 as if seized with prophetic fire he raised his eyes to the ceiling , and said :
27 As go-between , the Spirit not only teaches us the truth of God , he opens our eyes to the one in whom that truth became incarnate , and guides us in our lives .
28 Will he turn his eyes to the country as a whole and to the north — to the West Riding and my own constituency , where the health service is thought to be one of the best in Europe ?
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