Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] go [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays the attitude seems totally the opposite ; the modern-day prop appears to say : ‘ I may go down in the scrummage , but I will never go back ’ .
2 I 'll go over in the spring . ’
3 But I could go up in a few weeks .
4 When we took the step we did last May , we did n't desert the Tory Party , we rebelled against it and I for one said that I would go back in the fullness of time , I just hoped I could go back with something to show for it .
5 Good dog Sara , aye you 're a good dog , yes , you 'll go out in a minute , yes .
6 Yes you 'll go out in a minute , to Stephen , go to Stephen .
7 Leith snapped angrily — and realised she could go on in the same vein until she was blue in the face and it still would n't dent him .
8 You 'd go out in the morning and be back again in the afternoon . ’
9 You did n't consider that , you er i As I say you 'd go out in the morning .
10 I really think , although I would not be prepared to put it to the test , that you could go out in the streets of London in your nightdress and nobody would notice .
11 These same men use one set of laws to cancel the effects of another , for example , the application of the law of aerodynamics , enables them to cancel the effect of the law of gravity , that 's why you can go up in an aeroplane .
12 Well you do n't know whether you 'll be able , you can go down in an evening
13 And you can go out in a moment .
14 Yeah you can go out in the hall or go in the syndicate room
15 We must go up in the loft and find your clothes
16 We 'll go up in the lift , alright ?
17 Right well I 'll start today if you do n't mind and we 'll go round in the normal way erm when we come to Pat .
18 No , he asks you to please stay for supper and we 'll go on in the morning .
19 No , he asks you to please stay for supper and we 'll go on in the morning .
20 We 'll spend the night there , and then , if she 's recovered , we 'll go on in the morning through Lima to Tacna in the south of Peru .
21 In other words , we 've been funding from within our own budget new developments that 'll come on stream next year and it 's a very complicated budget and it contains some quite erm controversial erm subjects , which no doubt we 'll go through in a minute , but overall erm , given the total financial situation , I 'm a relieved man today .
22 Oh well we 'll go back in the other room .
23 We 'll go down in the morning . ’
24 I mean , we could go back in a few days and I could distract her while you … ’
25 I used to go back home via the local Underground and I 'd take six of our Irish doormen with me , all of them six foot three , and they 'd take the rollers from the roller towels in the Gents and they 'd stand around me , and we would go out in a ‘ flying wedge ’ .
26 ‘ I think — I 'm almost sure I will live , if we can go out in the garden together sometimes .
27 It 's almost equally inevitable that they will go down in the low income bracket .
28 ‘ Mr Gould was worn out by our reverses , regretted the loss of time , and this very afternoon had been declaring with many apologies that he must go back in the Vansittart .
29 Seventeen and four it is , you owe me one and threepence halfpenny , and it 'll go down in the book .
30 He used to come into the shop after a little while and he 'd go back in the kitchen again and he 'd come back again later on .
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