Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] n't have been able " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Making ten films is truly boring , ’ he says ‘ If I had worked continuously with the same cameraman , I would n't have been able to get up in the morning .
2 Only a few weeks ago I was in such a fog , I would n't have been able to write any of this .
3 I would n't have been able to see that gateway , so I ca n't say whether she was there or not , at five . ’
4 Even then I knew in a way that despair underlay my behaviour , but I would n't have been able to take the consequences of its admission .
5 I would n't have been able to see you . ’
6 I mean , without him in the back I would n't have been able to do it , but I always tell everybody I was the carer .
7 I would n't have been able to forget it , if you had . ’
8 I kind of wished I 'd sat behind Verity ; I would n't have seen so much of her — not even a hint of that slim , smooth face , frowning in concentration as she barrelled the big black Beemer towards the next corner — but I would n't have been able to see the speedometer , either .
9 ‘ If you loved Ruth I would n't have been able to — I would n't have looked after Ruth as I have . ’
10 A common example was an auxiliary verb sequence , such as I would n't have been able to go , which was heard as a single syllabic beat , approximately shown here as I wudnbinabluh go .
11 ‘ If you 'd really wanted to hurt me , you 'd have let Ash go ahead with the publicity , would have backed him up , and I would n't have been able to deny it because it was all based on the truth , but a twisted truth !
12 Eventually I would n't have been able to stop myself . ’
13 I think if I 'd had er no teeth I would n't have been able to manage at all , or if I had
14 If I wore those track braces I would 've had I would n't have been able to clean my teeth properly
15 Mary was a fast runner , but she would n't have been able to escape from the man if he had n't tripped .
16 If they had been chatting , no matter how lightly , she would have been so absorbed in carefully listening and in getting out a reply through a nervously constricted throat that she would n't have been able to enjoy this wonderful drive .
17 She knew it was Brownie night , otherwise she would n't have been able to get Shirley out until her long-suffering husband came home .
18 she would n't have been able to , I mean yo
19 You would n't have been able to hear a thing back at the house .
20 Sponsorship should of course be the icing on the cake , there should be enough in , in competition in regattas and themselves but people are interested enough to go and to support and that sponsorship actually allows you to do things that you would n't have been able to do otherwise .
21 Well you would n't have been able to go if you 'd been erm
22 ‘ — but if Ross had n't twisted Owen 's arm and made him take the money we would n't have been able to afford even a shoe-box .
23 We would n't have been able to skate in Britain , so it 's great to be in Milton Keynes .
24 But you see they would n't have been able to realize their goals in nineteen forty nine .
25 Deep inside , I thought that George loved Lennie and vice versa because if it had n't been for this love , they would n't have been able to survive happily together .
26 Small doses of non-sophistication were amusing as a break from other things , but he would n't have been able to bear all that romance day in , day out .
27 He would n't have been able to see well enough even to lock for them .
28 He would n't have been able to anyway because he did n't know what players we have available , ’ said Mr Moran .
29 It could n't have been far from where he was standing now , though he would n't have been able to say where exactly .
30 But without somebody to make the bullets he would n't have been able to do the job .
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