Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] carry [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I am to remain ill and without treatment , I am to carry on with the exhausting task of caring for an old and senile woman . ’
2 They formed their line again and started searching for Esmerelda while I was carried back to the house .
3 I was carried down to the ambulance and taken to a Kendal hospital .
4 She put the tray she was carrying down on the wrought iron table .
5 We are carrying on with the wedding as planned . ’
6 And the mono thing worked ; we found it was a format we could really use well , so for the time being we 're carrying on down the path .
7 Project management , incorporating information management , within these programmes will ensure that they are carried out to the same high standard as our taxonomic and floristic research .
8 The settlers ' attempts at agriculture were frustrated , except on the southern steppe frontier , by frozen subsoil and the sub-arctic climate , and as they were carried out by the primitive ‘ slash-and-burn ’ method , were highly destructive of the forest environment .
9 It is carried on through the medium of lullabies .
10 Most commonly it is carried out on the open bench or in a laminar flow sterile cabinet .
11 This follows ICL 's successful implementation of a departure control system for airline Cathay Pacific ( CI No 1,842 ) , and the work it is carrying out for the on-line departure system planned for the Channel Tunnel passenger rail services ( CI No 2,016 ) .
12 They also say Noorda wo n't name a successor until he 's carried out of the building on a stretcher .
13 Probably much of his success as a teacher sprang from this , for the young greatly enjoyed his moments of iconoclasm , even when it was carried on to the cricket field where he had no knowledge of and certainly no respect for the laws of the game , as a current Member of Parliament may remember .
14 It was carried back on the blowing sand , but it moved unhurriedly forward .
15 Of course the low percentage achievement does in part reflect the very high targets that were set as the plan was revised upwards during the course of the period , and it was carried out under the slogan of ‘ the five year plan in four years ’ .
16 It was carried out on the orders of Salim Al-Makesh to give himself time to flee the terrorist base before Delta destroyed it . ’
17 Prior to this it was carried out by the Directorship-general of Fine Arts , Academies and Libraries , part of the Ministry of Education .
18 Legislation requiring the registration of houses taking children for adoption followed , but respectable working class women resented this inspection , especially when it was carried out by the Poor Law Relieving Officer .
19 In the past a private sector proposal had to demonstrate that funding costs would be less than if it was carried out by the Government .
20 Another Gloucestershire player , wicket keeper Jack Russell , was accused of assaulting a television cameraman who was trying to film Lawrence as he was carried out of the ground .
21 The lift doors closed across his exclamation of relief and frustration and he was carried down to the ground floor .
22 At its meeting on 30 October 1990 , the board received a report from Ian Wells , a senior enforcement officer , on the progress of an investigation he was carrying on into the affairs and business of the Winchester Group , an appointed representative of Norwich Union .
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