Example sentences of "[noun pl] aimed at [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After the abortive attempt to meet in Malawi in June [ see p. 37561 ] , the first direct talks between the Frelimo government and the MNR rebels aimed at ending the 15-year civil war finally took place in Rome on July 8-10 .
2 More than half of the questionnaire was devoted to questions aimed at understanding the psychological and sociological mechanisms in risk taking .
3 ego-strengthening therapies aimed at treating the emotional/mental/spiritual aspects without using drugs .
4 ‘ Countryside interpretation ’ tends to mean static displays aimed at informing a receptive public about the life and geology of the area they are visiting .
5 THE West Indies fear that fines aimed at enforcing the 90 overs-a-day rule for Tests could see them return penniless from their tour of Australia .
6 TIGHTER hygiene controls aimed at stopping the worrying growth in food poisoning cases come into effect today .
7 This need is currently most acute in relation to the measures aimed at implementing the Social Charter , in that the measures proposed have a more profound effect on the activities and cost structures of companies in the UK than other Member States .
8 It included measures aimed at reducing the public-sector deficit and the numbers of employees in the state sector , and steps to improve the functioning of local government .
9 BROTHER now plan a series of school seminars aimed at presenting a positive role model for black children .
10 Reports in the Western media claimed that the visit was linked to wider negotiations aimed at achieving a comprehensive settlement of the hostage crisis [ see p. 38454 ] .
11 He said that the deportations could jeopardise international negotiations aimed at finding a long-term solution to the boat people problem .
12 In a programme which offers large potential cost savings to Nuclear Electric , we performed a series of tests aimed at strengthening the existing safety case for AGR fuel routes .
13 The most immediate casualty of this were the talks aimed at sending a single Korean team to compete in the Asian Games in China in September .
14 After the breakdown in December 1989 of talks aimed at ending the civil war in southern Sudan [ see p. 37114 ] , fighting broke out afresh in January , with the rebel Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) claiming several victories in Eastern Equatorial province .
15 But the meeting will also be seen as a further strengthening of Anglo-Irish ties at a time when the governments in London and Dublin are trying to start new talks aimed at finding a political solution in Ulster .
16 Mr Cyrus Vance , United Nations special envoy , arrived in Belgrade yesterday for talks aimed at solving the Bosnian conflict .
17 Douglas Hurd , the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , visited Hong Kong and China on April 2-9 for discussions aimed at settling the ongoing conflict between China and the Hong Kong government over the latter 's plan to build a new airport and port complex [ see p. 37961 ] .
18 At a news conference on May 5 , Dumas and the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Vellayati said that their talks had been " very positive " and expressed the hope that discussions aimed at resolving the financial dispute between the two countries [ see p. 37929 ] would end with " positive results " .
19 The final document stressed the relationship between political pluralism and market economies and committed the 35 member nations to " endeavour to achieve " ( i ) free and competitive market economies with prices based on supply and demand ; ( ii ) fiscal and monetary policies which promoted economic growth and enhanced the ability of markets to function efficiently ; ( iii ) policies aimed at expanding the free flow of trade , capital and investment ; and ( iv ) the repatriation of profits in convertible currencies .
20 By 1944 public concern that there should be no repetition of the errors of that period resulted in a government commitment to pursue peacetime policies aimed at maintaining a high and stable level of employment .
21 Nevertheless , without the sense of a common interest , it is clear that democracy itself is at risk , whether from a privileged minority determined to obstruct policies aimed at helping the poor majority , or , as in Northern Ireland , from the forcible incorporation into the state of a minority who do not accept the legitimacy of that state and who are then systematically excluded from power and influence .
22 Our economic policies in the epoch of so-called ‘ war communism ’ … could not be policies aimed at developing the productive forces .
23 Physical distribution is a term covering a set of activities aimed at achieving the physical movement of goods from supplier to consumer .
24 An agreement to increase contacts aimed at resolving the financial dispute between Iran and France [ see p. 37929 ] was confirmed on Sept. 27 following a meeting in New York between Vellayati and his French counterpart , Roland Dumas .
25 SHOCKING new adverts aimed at stemming the rising death toll caused by solvent abuse have been welcomed by North-East campaigners .
26 His report , which received Security Council approval , included a number of proposals aimed at bringing a peaceful transition to multiracial democracy .
27 The Conservative government 's 1988 housing reforms contained several proposals aimed at rejuvenating the private rented sector , after the years in which the promotion of home-ownership was at the forefront of housing policy .
28 By March and April morale in the Party had fallen again , and a wave of propaganda meetings aimed at reviving the post-Stalingrad gloom were practically a total failure .
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