Example sentences of "[noun pl] continue [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the downturn in Britain 's car market ( 300,000 fewer cars sold last year than in 1989 ) , new and better-equipped models continue to drop off the production lines at an astonishing pace .
2 As a consequence , fiduciary duties continue to apply to the directors of a company and to 'shadow " directors ( persons whose instructions or directions often determine the decision of the board of directors ) .
3 While the politicians seem impotent and indecisive , riverside communities continue to live under the shadow of the mercury threat .
4 Either the maquilas continue to buy from the United States and protect the jobs of US suppliers , or the maquilas buy in Mexico , and these jobs are lost .
5 Since , however , cases concerning property which has devolved according to those provisions will for many years continue to come before the courts , they are summarized in a note at the end of the book .
6 The couple , under the spotlight as royal watchers continue to speculate over the state of their marriage , were seen to exchange smiles .
7 But despite the scepticism of some Europeans , especially in the north , many governments continue to believe in the bicycle theory : Europe must move forward or crash .
8 The majority of elderly persons continue to live in the community , and the support of their families is often vital .
9 Once again if these changes continue to develop in the UK , the classification and definition of what constitutes a rural area will have to be radically altered , although there have already been some changes , as the next section demonstrates .
10 Moreover , if the monetary authorities continue to adhere to the policy rule specified in equation ( 7.14 ) , the discrepancy between the actual money supply and the anticipated money supply will be , on average , zero .
11 But , while social programmes continue to pay for the largesse for defence , scientific research and development has been spared .
12 Finally , and of some significance , not only did many of the personnel continue to serve in the state system on a voluntary basis after 1909 , no doubt bringing their ideas with them , but also the casework procedures became the basic methodological practice of the service .
13 However , shareholders continue to suffer as the group halved its total dividend for the second year in a row .
14 The two characters continue to appear throughout the novel , however .
15 Managers and GPs continue to act as the patient 's agent , and the rationers of health care .
16 A number of negative stereotypes continue to exist regarding the performance of older workers .
17 As interest rates continue to fall around the world , bonds could well prove to be the investment opportunity of the 1990s .
18 David Tweedie , the chairman of the Accounting Standards Board , has already warned that the ASB will follow the cookbook approach if companies and their auditors continue to comply with the letter of the rules rather than with their spirit .
19 Arguments continue to rage on the Ryder Cup side , yet Gallacher 's men are quite capable of winning back the trophy .
20 Although arguments continue to rage over the effects of nitrogen on health , once digested through food or water it is suspected of having links with blue baby syndrome by reducing the oxygen -carrying capacity of the blood , and cancers of the stomach and oesophagus .
21 — THE stars continue to shine at The Mall , Stockton in the vein of TV 's Stars In Their Eyes .
22 It 's a popular dream , your own country pub full of friendly locals , but it 's becoming more and more elusive as prices continue to rise despite the dive in the house market .
23 ( 3 ) In order to ensure that day care centres for children continue to operate in the territory specified under Article 3 of this treaty , the federation shall contribute to the costs of these centres for a transitional period up to June 30 , 1991 .
24 As the UK construction and property markets continue to struggle in the depths of recession , spare a few thoughts for those ‘ built — environment ’ graduates soon to be released into the careers market .
25 Military and economic historians continue to argue about the quantities and quality of aid received by the two sides , and the financial and economic costs thereof .
26 Instead DHAs and GP fundholders continue to act as the agents of patients , purchasing services on their behalf .
27 BATTLE of the Atlantic celebration letters continue to pour into the Echo office .
28 In Britain , Pakistani women continue to enthuse over the fashions in Salwar Kamiz which reach London from Pakistan , usually via Bradford .
29 Women continue to struggle against the tide of agencies like LEDU and are beginning to force these agencies to take the issue of women 's employment more seriously .
30 As industries continue to concentrate at the world level , the forces described in this chapter raise two possibilities .
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