Example sentences of "[noun pl] to give [pron] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Syrian foreign minister who , after meeting Douglas Hurd , evoked the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 in which the British and the French secretly carved up the Middle East between them ( later using the League of Nations to give them the so-called Mandates as a cover ) , was not making some arcane and irrelevant allusion .
2 Runners are more conservative , instead of their heads they look to their shoes to give them the competitive edge .
3 These raised the nap on the cloth , which could then be cropped with shears to give it a smoother finish .
4 It enables adaptation of plants and animals to human purposes that would be beyond the reach of traditional breeding techniques ; an example is the insertion of toxin genes from bacteria into plants to give them an in-built system for poisoning pests .
5 The PLA won enough seats to give it a two-thirds majority in the 250-member People 's Assembly , which would enable it to make constitutional changes without the support of other parties .
6 Consequently , the result is a dull plod , a sort of po-faced mini-series in which a whole bunch of set-pieces go begging for some cinematic tricks to give them a proper build-up and punchline .
7 I have to know that sort of thing otherwise I would n't know how hard to fire the retro-rockets to give you a gentle landing .
8 If they do n't contain a waterproof membrane such as Gore-Tex or Sympatex , you can obtain spray-on products to give them a water-repellent finish .
9 If you have time , pipe a little flavoured butter around the tartlets to give them a professional finish .
10 Pluralism is a development of democratic theory and recognises that often individuals can best get their views heard by combining in groups to give them a stronger voice .
11 There is a lot of parental involvement and we have made several improvements to give it a better image .
12 There is a lot of parental involvement and we have made several improvements to give it a better image .
13 Roe , already third , fourth and fifth in European tour events this year , said : ‘ I birdied the first three holes to give myself a flying start and never really looked back . ’
14 But again the government retained extensive administrative powers to give it a free hand in dealing with radical writers and journalists .
15 This state-of-the-art shaver has three positions to give you the perfect shave and a trimmer for those with sideburns and/or moustache .
16 She was his only daughter and the youngest of seven , and he had been at pains to give her a good education .
17 We plan our holidays to give you the maximum enjoyment .
18 In a modest attempt to amend the damage accumulated over centuries by this pernicious little fiction , I asked the children to give me the Other Version , particularly Eve 's , but Adam 's or God 's as well if they preferred .
19 I am hoping to meet some of the children before the Marathon and when the pain barrier hits me at around 20 miles I will only need to think of the courage and bravery of these young children to give me the extra incentive I need to finish the race .
20 Do you use other instruments to give yourself a different texture or feel when you 're songwriting ?
21 To make a profit , drug dealers sell you short measures or mix all sorts of dangerous materials in with drugs to give them a bigger share of the profits or to finance their own drug habits .
22 There is no limit to how far ahead you can book nor , often , on length of stay , although popular hostels may impose restrictions to give everyone a fair chance .
23 Birds of prey , or raptors to give them an alternative group name , come in many sizes .
24 While Charles remained , apparently inactive , at Edinburgh , the British government was making vigorous preparations to give him a warm reception when , as expected , he advanced into England .
25 The older chalets have had facelifts , their corrugated iron roofs replaced by red pantiles , whitewashed boundary walls topped off by yet more red pantiles to give them a Mediterranean resort flavour in hopes of luring their customer back from the real thing .
26 In the 19th Century the working classes , exasperated by their plight and the lack of initiative of their employers , formed into trades unions to give themselves the corporate strength which individuals lacked .
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