Example sentences of "[noun pl] known [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was one of the highest breeding densities known in the British Isles ( Ratcliffe , 1963 ) .
2 At some stage Christian symbols , especially in the form of crosses adorned with elaborate convolutions , began to find their way into the carvings , with a striking similarity to designs known in the Anglo-Saxon monasteries of Northumbria .
3 Partly inspired by a set of texts known as the Hermetic Corpus , the elite magicians of the Renaissance rejected what they saw as stultifying in Aristotelian science : a neglect of the particular for the general and an indifference toward practical application .
4 There were strict controls over the export of capital and the City 's ability to invest abroad ( outside the group of countries known as the Overseas Sterling Area and consisting to a large extent of former members of the Empire ) was restricted .
5 In addition , all companies known to the Scottish Council , but whose status as exporters was not clear , were also contacted .
6 In addition , several hundred companies known to the Scottish Council , but whose status as exporters was not clear , were also contacted .
7 In an open letter ( new routes book Rock and Run ) Steve has also made his feelings known on the recent spate of bolting on Chapel Head , stating ‘ All I 'm suggesting is that a bit more thought goes into the development of the crag .
8 The plates are not permanent : they are constantly being replenished by liquid rock gushing up from the Earth 's mantle ( the subsurface layer ) at the long submarine mountain ranges known as the mid-ocean ridges .
9 The stomach of a Troll contains some of the most powerful acids known in the Old World , and its digestive juices are highly valued by alchemists and wizards .
10 Today 's physics are merely rediscovering fundamental principles known to the ancient seers for millennia .
11 Targets set for the compiler — including provision of a single parallel programming model for developing applications that can run on a variety of computers — were formulated by a coalition of industrial groups known as the High Performance Fortran Forum ( HPFF ) .
12 I think that B eight was not upper most in the department 's mind when it was making its er views known about a major exceptions policy .
13 With Osbern of Eu and a group of his own leaders and their following , Thorfinn had visited the Lothians and made his views known to the offending bands with frightening precision .
14 Bessie nodded , glad for the chance of making her views known to the young mother , and she quickly flounced off out of the kitchen .
15 There will be an opportunity to make your views known to the Regional Council on the draft Structure Plan Review .
16 There will be an opportunity to make your views known to the Regional Council on the draft Structure Plan Review .
17 It should be thrown out and the electorate should make their views known at a general election so that the Government can come back with a better Bill at a later stage . ’
18 More than anything , though , the May 1990 elections provided voters with an opportunity to make their views known in the relative calm of the ballot box , and it was an opportunity they took in unprecedented numbers .
19 Together with such services as health , roads and transport , law and order and housing , it falls within a category of spending programmes known as the Scottish Block .
20 Apart from the general fitness between what most would see as a hostile and acerbic tale and a bitter and unlovely character , one is constantly reminded of the Reeve 's provincial origins by his own dialect speech — in particular the occasional use of the Scandinavian-derived first person pronoun ik , " I " , against Chaucer 's standard ich — and by the northern speech of his two clerks , Alayn and John of Strother ( perhaps modelled on two northern characters known to the English court ) , which was yet further removed from the London standard of Chaucer 's day .
21 There are several trees known as the snake-bark maples that have this effect .
22 Furthermore the clergy extracted as a quid pro quo some deceptively reassuring royal answers to their grievances , the answers known as the Articuli Cleri or ‘ Articles of the Clergy ’ .
23 It is important for the humanities community to make its requirements known for the national acquisition and provision of dataset services .
24 ( It might be noted in passing that there were scarcely any examples known to the social workers from any team of elderly people being referred from households where other family members were also clients . )
25 Hills 's visit to Tokyo was described by observers as a precursor to a second round of talks known as the Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) — a series of theoretical discussions designed to change the broad economic characteristics responsible for the USA 's huge trade deficit with Japan [ for September 1989 SII talks see p. 36892 ] .
26 They appointed Cromwell their advocate at the commission of sewers in Huntingdon , and he ensured that a clause concerning the commandeering of common land was included in the catalogue of complaints known as the Grand Remonstrance presented to the king in 1641 .
27 Invading bacteria known as the transient flora , particularly food poisoning bacteria , will not normally survive on healthy skin .
28 At the posterior margin of the chick limb bud there is a small group of cells known as the polarizing region .
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