Example sentences of "[noun pl] to get [adv prt] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I invite er Mr and his supporters to get out of the age of Dickens and into the twentieth century .
2 As Pauly ( 1990 : p. 41 ) concluded , ‘ regulatory reforms designed to enhance market efficiency and institutional competitiveness … effectively provided distinct incentives for most banks to get out of the business of development finance ’ .
3 ‘ Then you 've got the jokers who sleep under lorries to get out of the rain .
4 His description of the recovery of a Hunter over a Swiss airshow served as another graphic reminder that a performance should emphasize the aircraft 's character but should utilize only the established skills of the pilot — and should never require his super-human efforts to get out of a situation .
5 Henry Kissinger recognized that Romanian co-operation could be useful to the United States in its efforts to get out of the Vietnam War and to open up relations with Mao 's China .
6 I began to wish Lou Vecchi had had the brains to get out of the country .
7 Now she 's giving the orders to get out of the washrooms , into the freezing cold , alongside the other troops in this collosal humanitarian operation for the British Army in Bosnia .
8 Pakistan , January 1991 : Demonstrators call for Western imperialist forces to get out of the Gulf .
9 It took them almost twenty minutes to get out of the building as they fielded congratulations along the way .
10 The two-year-old was snatched to safety by his quick-thinking dad Bob seconds before the off-target skydiver swooped down , frantically yelling at crowds to get out of the way .
11 I am concerned about the absence of provisions for cycle tourists to get out of the city in the most desired directions , viz westwards along the A8 ( trunk road ) , and north-west along the A90 ( also trunk road ) to the Forth Bridge .
12 The Road Bunker 's fame burgeoned , no doubt , in 1978 when the luckless Japanese Tsuneyuki ( Tommy ) Nakajima dropped out of contention in The Open Championship when he took four shots to get out of the bunker .
13 ‘ Two men to get out of a van down there in a minute 's time and tell my father that Sean Walsh is a criminal wanted for six murders in Dublin and that he has to be handcuffed and out of there this instant . ’
14 Go right , bounce on the trampoline , go up , right , down and paint the button , paint some platforms to bounce out of the cave you 're in , go left , down to the trampoline , go right and fall down , go left and paint the switch , go right and climb the stairs poking out of the cauldron , paint the button on your right , fall down and go left , fall down and go left , fall down and collect the picture from the bottom of the hole , paint some of the ledges to get out of the hole and go right , fall down the right-hand side of the map and go left , paint the switch , go left and paint the next switch .
15 If beds are blocked by for example geriatric patients er in medical or even surgical wards , wo n't there be a trickle effect and therefore it will be impossible for the patients who need to go up to these other wards to get out of the A and E department ?
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