Example sentences of "[noun pl] as they appear [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately we did n't have room to include the complete rules for war machines and chariots as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook , but you will find a summary for them at the end of the War Machines section .
2 They put on separate roadshows as they appeared at the same event for the first time since Mr Major 's statement in the House of Commons .
3 Designs on the screen are most often knitted from bottom to top , so looking for colours as they appear in the design from bottom to top and left to right is an accurate way of assessing where colours are brought into the work and their order .
4 I guess that is a form of training as well , in that we are being made more aware of teaching issues and problems as they appear to the everyday teacher .
5 Each available option of LIFESPAN PMR is explained , with examples of the pages as they appear to the user .
6 All of the currently available options are explained with examples of the pages as they appear to the user .
7 ‘ Live ’ voices are the voices of characters as they appear in the commercial — though they may , in fact , be recorded separately .
8 In the extract reproduced below ( 14 ) , the orthographic paragraph boundaries as they appeared on the printed page have been ignored .
9 Most of the reported decisions were made under the provisions of the Act of 1972 but for convenience I shall throughout refer to the relevant provisions under the numbers of the sections and subsections as they appear in the Act of 1988 .
10 So if you were commenting on such a section as this , you would have a great deal of things to say on , just on the letter forms as they appear on the page .
11 In 1626 , James Reid of Edinburgh University considered the possibility of the earth 's axial rotation , suggesting that Scripture sometimes described phenomena as they appeared to the senses , rather than as they really were .
12 But the ‘ reformation of feeling ’ is a literal translation of St Paul 's words : Reformamini in novitate sensus vestri as they appeared in the Vulgate — St Jerome 's Latin translation of the Bible .
13 There was a clear difference between the facts as they appeared to the court and the facts as they appeared to the sentencer , and the order depriving the appellant of his car would be quashed .
14 There was a clear difference between the facts as they appeared to the court and the facts as they appeared to the sentencer , and the order depriving the appellant of his car would be quashed .
15 But it must be admitted that this is not a very strong distinction , for in Dudley and Stephens the jury also found that ‘ at the time of the act there was no sail in sight , nor any reasonable prospect of relief ’ ; and it would seem that if the law recognises necessity as a defence it should proceed upon the facts as they appeared to the defendant at the time .
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